16 jul 2009

Environmental history Vol. 14, No. 1, (january 2009)


Finis Dunaway
Seeing global warming: contemporary Art and the fate of the planet

Michael J. Lansing
"Salvaging the man power of America": conservation, manhood, and disabled veterans durin World War I

Patrick Kupper
Sciencie and the national parks: a transatlantic perspective onthe interwars years

José Luiz de Andrade Franco and José Augusto Drummond
Wildederness and the Vrazilian mind (II): the first Brazilian conference on nature protection (Rio de Janeiro, 1934)

Emily T. Yeh
From wasteland to wetland? nature ans nation in China's Tibet


Kevin Armitage
On gene stratton porter's conservation aestahetics

Kimberly Little
On Progressive-era photography


Susan Flader

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