21 ene 2010

American sociological review Vol. 74, No. 5, october 2009


Dennis J. Condron
Social class, school and non-school environments, and black/white inequalities in children's learning

Robert Crosnoe
Low-income students and the socioeconomic composition of public high schools

Sigal Alon
The evolution of class inequality in higher education: competition, exclusion, and adaptation

Helen B. Marrow
Immigrant bureaucratic incorporation: the dual roles of professional missions and government policies

Devah Pager, Bruce Western, and Bart Bonikowski
Discrination in a low-wage labor market: a field experiment

Kevin Stainback and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
Intersections of power and privelege: long-term trends in managerial representation

Andrew W. Martin, John D. McCarthy, and Clark McPhail
Why targets matter: toward a more inclusive model of collective violence

Daniel Tope and David Jacobs
The politics of union decline: the contingent determinants of union recognition elections and victories

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