Trabant and Beetle: the Two Germanies, 1949–89
Bernhard Rieger
The ‘Good German’ Goes Global: the Volkswagen Beetle as an Icon in the Federal Republic
Eli Rubin
The Trabant: Consumption, Eigen-Sinn, and Movement
Cathy McClive
Masculinity on Trial: Penises, Hermaphrodites and the Uncertain Male Body in Early Modern France
Jerry White
Pain and Degradation in Georgian London: Life in the Marshalsea Prison
Jane Caplan
Illegibility: Reading and Insecurity in History, Law and Government
Justin Bengry
Courting the Pink Pound: Men Only and the Queer Consumer, 1935–39
Peter Mandler
One World, Many Cultures: Margaret Mead and the Limits to Cold War Anthropology
Andrew Canessa
Forgetting the Revolution and Remembering the War: Memory and Violence in Highland Bolivia
Abby Waldman
The Politics of History Teaching in England and France during the 1980s
Beth Kowaleski Wallace
Uncomfortable Commemorations
Michelle Johansen
The ‘Up the Manor!’ Oral History Project

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