26 ene 2010

Comparative civilizations review No. 61, fall 2009

Ricardo Duchesne
The AristocraicWarike tos of Indo-Europens d the Pimordial Origins of Western Civilzations - part two

Bertil Haggman
The Classical Way of Conflict-Civilizational Reflections on Ancient Startecraft

Michael Andregg
Why Population Pressure and Militant Religion are the most Important Causes of the Developing Global Crisis

Roscoe C. Hinkle
Medieval Islamic Spain (al-Andalus) as a Civilizations Bridge between Later Antiquity and Early Modernity

David J. Rosner
Conservatism and Chaos: Martin Hedegger and the ecline of the West

W. Reed Smith
Megalopolis versus Social Retardation: The Continuing Relevance of the Views of Splenger and Toynbbe on the Variability of the rate of Cultural Change

Michael Dudley
Cold War, Hot Climate: City Planning In Times of Crisis

Kaja Michalec & Leszek Lilien
Computer Networks as Tools for Enlarging Social Networks in Western Civilization

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