26 ene 2010

Race & class Vol. 51, No. 2, october 2009

A. Sivanandan

Tony Harcup
An insurrection in words: East End voices in the 1970s

Bob Davis
Teaching tough kids: Searle and Stepney

Jonathan Scott
Chris Searle: Funk Brother number one

Claire Westall and Neil Lazarus
The pitch of the world: cricket and Chris Searle

Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel
More than words: Chris Searle’s approach to critical literacy as cultural action

Bob Davis
Going in by the front door: Searle, Earl Marshal School and Sheffield

Ahmed Gurnah
Earl Marshal School: towards an inclusive education

Basil Davidson
Mozambique diary

Didacus Jules
A British anti-imperialist lion in the Grenada revolution

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