22 ene 2010

Eigthteenth century studies Vol. 43, No. 1, Fall 2009

Mary McAlpin
The Rape of Cécile and the Triumph of Love in Les Liaisons dangereuses

Sara Eigen Figal
When Brothers are Enemies: Frederick the Great's Catechism for War

Alex Wetmore
Sympathy Machines: Men of Feeling and the Automaton

Kristin M. Girten
Unsexed Souls: Natural Philosophy as Transformation in Eliza Haywood's Female Spectator

Eugenia Zuroski Jenkins
"Nature to Advantage Drest": Chinoiserie, Aesthetic Form, and the Poetry of Subjectivity in Pope and Swift

Angela Hunter
The Unfinished Work on Louise Marie-Madeleine Dupin's Unfinished Ouvrage sur les femmes

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