11 feb 2010

International history review Vol. 31, No. 4, december 2009

A. Hamish Ion
Sexual Imperialism on the China Station during the Meiji Restoration: The Control of Smallpox and Syphilist at Yokohama, 1868-1871

Ian D. Armour
Hungary's Failed Bid to Control Serbia: The Trial of Prince Alexander Karadrodevic, 1868-1871

Marek Kornat
Choosing Not to Choose in 1939: Poland´s Assesment to the Nazi-Soviet Pact

Bradley R. Simpson
Deying the 'First Right': The United States, Indonesia, and the Tanking of Human Rights by the Carter Administration, 1976-1980
Review Article

Fred Halliday
The Study of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East

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