16 feb 2010

Narrative inquiry Vol. 19, No. 2 2009


We have a place in a long story: Empowered narratives and the construction of communities: The case of US presidential debates
Shaul R. Shenhav

A tale of two narratives: Ontological and epistemological narratives
L. Lynda Harling Stalker

Narratives in interview — The case of accounts: For an interactional approach to narrative genres
Anna De Fina

Examining the role of face work in a workplace complaint narrative
Camilla Vasquez

Making connections: Considering the dynamics of narrative stability from a relational approach
Nancy J. Bell

Resistance narratives: A comparative account of indigenous sites of dissent
Olivia Guntarik

Narrative discourse of native and immigrant Russian-speaking mother-child dyads
Irene Shulova-Piryatinsky and Debra A. Harkins

I have a student who…: An exploration of societal norms embedded in co-constructed narratives
Kathryn S. Young

Narractivity and the narrative database: Media-based wikis as interactive fan fiction
Paul Booth

Decision making: Linking narratives and action
Lee Roy Beach

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