8 feb 2010

Journal of Latin American studies Vol. 41, part 4, november 2009

Kenneth J. Andrien
The Politics of Reform in Spain's Atlantic Empire during the Late Bourbon Period: The Visita of José García de León y Pizarro in Quito

Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato and Jeffrey G. Williamson
Was It Prices, Productivity or Policy? Latin American Industrialisation after 1870

Marc Adam Hertzman
A Brazilian Counterweight: Music, Intellectual Property and the African Diaspora in Rio de Janeiro (1910s–1930s)

William J. Suarez-Potts
The Mexican Supreme Court and the Juntas de Conciliación y Arbitraje, 1917–1924: The Judicialisation of Labour Relations after the Revolution

Héctor Lindo-Fuentes
Educational Television in El Salvador and Modernisation Theory

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