8 feb 2010

Language variation and change Vol. 21, No. 3, 2009

Miriam Meyerhoff
Replication, transfer, and calquing: Using variation as a tool in the study of language contact

Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
Typological parameters of intralingual variability: Grammatical analyticity versus syntheticity in varieties of English

Charles Boberg
The emergence of a new phoneme: Foreign (a) in Canadian English

Asela Reig Alamillo
Cross-dialectal variation in propositional anaphora: Null objects and propositional lo in Mexican and Peninsular Spanish

Anne H. Fabricius, Dominic Watt and Daniel Ezra Johnson
A comparison of three speaker-intrinsic vowel formant frequency normalization algorithms for sociophonetics

Christian Langstrof
On the role of vowel duration in the New Zealand English front vowel shift

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