8 feb 2010

Journal of economic history Vol. 69, No. 4, december 2009


Robert C. Allen
The Industrial Revolution in Miniature: The Spinning Jenny in Britain, France, and India

Xavier Tafunell
Capital Formation in Machinery in Latin America, 1890-1930

Rui Esteves and David Khoudour-Castéras
A Fantastic Rain of Gold: European Migrants' Remittances and Balance of Payments Adjustment During the Gold Standard Period

Charles W. Calomiris and Jonathan B. Pritchett
Preserving Slave Families for Profit: Traders' Incentives and Pricing in the New Orleans Slave Market

Markus Lampe
Effects of Bilateralism and the MFN Clause on International Trade: Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network, 1860-1875

Kenneth M. Sylvester
Ecological Frontiers on the Grasslands of Kansas: Changes in Farm Scale and Crop Diversity

Leandro Prados de la Escosura and Joan R. Rosés
The Sources of Long-Run Growth in Spain, 1850-2000

Dror Goldberg
The Massachusetts Paper Money of 1690

Graeme G. Acheson, Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner and Qing Ye
Rule Britannia! British Stock Market Returns, 1825-1870


Myung Soo Cha
Productivity Trend in Korea from the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Century: A Comment on Jun, Lewis, and Kang

Jun Seong Ho, James B. Lewis and Kang Han-Rog
Stability or Decline? Demand or Supply?

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