8 feb 2010

Medical anthropology quarterly Vol. 23, No. 4 december 2009


Elise Andaya
The Gift of Health : Socialist Medical Practice and Shifting Material and Moral Economies in Post-Soviet Cuba

Jack R. Friedman
The "Social Case" : Illness, Psychiatry, and Deinstitutionalization in Postsocialist Romania

Lucia Volk
"Kull wahad la haalu" : Feelings of Isolation and Distress among Yemeni Immigrant Women in San Francisco's Tenderloin

Jill Owczarzak
Defining HIV Risk and Determining Responsibility in Postsocialist Poland

Amber Wutich
Intrahousehold Disparities in Women and Men's Experiences of Water Insecurity and Emotional Distress in Urban Bolivia

Dominique P. Béhague
Psychiatry and Politics in Pelotas, Brazil: : The Equivocal Quality of Conduct Disorder and Related Diagnoses

Kathryn Goldade
"Health Is Hard Here" or "Health for All"? : The Politics of Blame, Gender, and Health Care for Undocumented Nicaraguan Migrants in Costa Rica

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