25 nov 2011

American historical review, vol. 115, no. 3, june 2010


“A continuall and dayly Table for Gentlemen of fashion”: Humanism, Food, and Authority at Jamestown, 1607–1609Michael A. LaCombe

“If You Eat Their Food …”: Diets and Bodies in Early Colonial Spanish America
Rebecca Earle

Tongues-Tied: The Making of a “National Language” and the Discovery of Dialects in Meiji Japan
Hiraku Shimoda

Instead of Waiting for the Thirteenth Amendment: The War Power, Slave Marriage, and Inviolate Human Rights
Amy Dru Stanley

AHR Exchange: On the “Myth” of the “Weak” American State


Law and War in American History
John Fabian Witt

A State Both Strong and Weak
Gary Gerstle

The Puzzle of the American State … and Its Historians
Julia Adams

Long Live the Myth of the Weak State? A Response to Adams, Gerstle, and Witt
William J. Novak

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