16 nov 2011

Comparative studies in society and history Vol. 53, No. 3, july 2011

Research Articles

Failing to Stem the Tide: Lebanese Migration to French West Africa and the Competing Prerogatives of the Imperial State
Andrew Kerim Arsan

The Trans-Border Traffic of Afghan Modernism: Afghanistan and the Indian “Urdusphere”
Nile Green

Negotiating Cold War Culture at the Crossroads of East and West: Uplifting the Working People, Entertaining the Masses, Cultivating the Nation
Sabina Mihelj

Madrasa Reform as a Secularizing Process: A View from the Late Russian Empire
Mustafa Tuna

The Acoustics of Muslim Striving: Loudspeaker Use in Ritual Practice in Pakistan
Naveeda Khan

Homeland Insecurity: How Immigrant Muslims Naturalize America in Islam
Mucahit Bilici

The Post-Soviet Treasure Hunt: Time, Space, and Necropolitics in Siberian Buddhism
Anya Bernstein

Shrines and Sovereigns: Life, Death, and Religion in Rural Azerbaijan
Bruce Grant

CSSH Discussion

The Social Study of Human Rights. A Review Essay
Ronald Niezen

Fixers in Motion. A Conversation
Craig Jeffrey, Christine Philliou, Douglas Rogers and Andrew Shryock

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