16 nov 2011

American historical review, vol. 115, no. 5, december 2010


The Many Deaths of a Kazak Unaligned: Osman Batur, Chinese Decolonization, and the Nationalization of a Nomad
Justin Jacobs

The League of Nations' Rescue of Armenian Genocide Survivors and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism, 1920–1927
Keith David Watenpaugh

AHR Forum: New Perspectives on the Enlightenment


Rival Ecologies of Global Commerce: Adam Smith and the Natural Historians
Fredrik Albritton Jonsson

Making Men: Enlightenment Ideas of Racial Engineering
William Max Nelson

Lessons on the Rise and Fall of Great Powers: Conquest, Commerce, and Decline in Enlightenment Italy
Sophus A. Reinert

The Return of the Enlightenment
Karen O'Brien

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