24 nov 2011

International labor and working-class history No. 79, spring 2011

In Memoriam: Donald Quataert
Michael Hanagan

Senior Editors' Note
Carolyn Brown, Jennifer Klein and Peter Winn

Migrant Workers in the Middle East

Migrant Workers in the Middle East: Introduction
Prasannan Parthasarathi and Donald Quataert

The Turn of the Gulf Tide: Empire, Nationalism, and South Asian Labor Migration to Iraq, c. 1900–1935
Stefan Tetzlaff

Migration and Popular Protest in the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf in the 1950s and 1960s
John Chalcraft

Philippine Migrant Workers' Transnationalism in the Middle East
Robyn Magalit Rodriguez

Project-Tied Labor Migration from Turkey to the MENA Region: Past, Present, and Future
Ahmet İçduygu and Deniz Sert

Where Governmentality Ends: Border Control Officers and Deportations of Sojourners in Israel
Oded Korczyn

Migration as Diplomacy: Labor Migrants, Refugees, and Arab Regional Politics in the Oil-Rich Countries
Helene Thiollet

Unofficial Citizens: Indian Entrepreneurs and the State-Effect in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Neha Vora

Migration, Neoliberal Capitalism, and Islamic Reform in Kozhikode (Calicut), South India
Filippo Osella and Caroline Osella

Differences in Workers' Narratives of Contention in Two Central Indian Towns
Manjusha Nair

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