25 nov 2011

American historical review, vol. 115, no. 4, october 2010


“Out of the Land of Bondage”: The English Revolution and the Atlantic Origins of Abolition
John Donoghue

Getting Out of Iraq—in 1932: The League of Nations and the Road to Normative Statehood
Susan Pedersen

AHR Forum: Intimate Life and Sexuality in Mid-Twentieth-Century France


The Price of Discretion: Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and the American Military in France, 1944–1946
Mary Louise Roberts

Comrades in the Labor Room: The Lamaze Method of Childbirth Preparation and France's Cold War Home Front, 1951–1957
Paula A. Michaels

Sex, Love, and Letters: Writing Simone de Beauvoir, 1949–1963
Judith G. Coffin

Sex, Sovereignty, and Transnational Intimacies
Judith Surkis

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