16 nov 2011

Studies in second language acquisition Vol. 33, No. 2, june 2011

Special Issue
 (The Linguistic Competence of Heritage Speakers)

Research Articles

Introduction: The Linguistic Competence of Heritage Speakers
Silvina Montrul

Morphological errors in spanish second language learners and heritage speakers
Silvina Montrul

Who Was Walking on the Beach?
Gregory D. Keating, Bill VanPatten and Jill Jegerski

An emergentist perspective on heritage language acquisition
William O’Grady, Hye-Young Kwak, On-Soon Lee and Miseon Lee

Measuring implicit and explicit linguistic knowledge
Melissa A. Bowles

Grammatical features of Egyptian and Palestinian Arabic heritage speakers’ oral production
Abdulkafi Albirini, Elabbas Benmamoun and Eman Saadah

Reanalysis in adult heritage language
Maria Polinsky

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