16 nov 2011

Comparative studies in society and history Vol. 53, No. 1, january 2011

Research Articles

Bodies Real and Virtual: Joseph Rock and Enrico Caruso in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands
Erik Mueggler

Photography and the Religious Encounter: Ambiguity and Aesthetics in Missionary Representations of the Luba of South East Belgian Congo
David Maxwell

The Camera and the House: The Semiotics of New Guinea “Treehouses” in Global Visual Culture
Rupert Stasch

British Suffragettes and the Russian Method of Hunger Strike
 Kevin Grant

“The Abandoned Lower Class of Females”: Class, Gender, and Penal Discipline in Barbados, 1875–1929
Cecilia A. Green

The Jealous Institution: Male Nubility, Conjugality, Sexuality, and Discipline on the Social Margins of Imperial Brazil
Peter M. Beattie


“Material Culture Studies” and other Ways to Theorize Objects: A Primer to a Regional Debate
Haidy Geismar

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