23 abr 2012

Discourse & society, 21 (2) March 2010


Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Rosamund Moon
‘Curvy, hunky, kinky’: Using corpora as tools for critical analysis

Antonio García Gómez
Disembodiment and cyberspace: Gendered discourses in female teenagers’ personal information disclosure

Liana Grancea
Ethnic solidarity as interactional accomplishment: An analysis of interethnic complaints in Romanian and Hungarian focus groups

Patricia Mayes
The discursive construction of identity and power in the critical classroom: Implications for applied critical theories

Sara Zadunaisky Ehrlich and Shoshana Blum-Kulka
Peer talk as a ‘double opportunity space’: The case of argumentative discourse

Jo Angouri
Book review: Martin Montgomery, An Introduction to Language and Society (3rd edition). New York: Routledge, 2008. xx + 314 pp

Book review: Mariana Achugar, What we Remember: The Construction of Memory in Military Discourse. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008. ix + 245 pp

Mustapha Lahlali
Book review: Moustapha Safouan, Why Are the Arabs Not Free? — The Politics of Writing. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. 128 pp.

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