19 abr 2012

Economy and society, 40 (4) November 2011

Original Articles

Materials and devices of the public: an introduction
Noortje Marres & Javier Lezaun

The costs of public involvement: everyday devices of carbon accounting and the materialization of participation
Noortje Marres

Packaging water: plastic bottles as market and public devices
Gay Hawkins

Offshore democracy: launch and landfall of a socio-technical experiment
Javier Lezaun

Flood apprentices: an exercise in making things public
Sarah J. Whatmore & Catharina Landström

From protecting texts to protecting objects in biotechnology and software: a tale of changes of ontological assumptions in intellectual property protection
Andrea Bonaccorsi, Jane Calvert & Pierre-Benoit Joly

The government of self-regulation: on the comparative dynamics of corporate social responsibility
Jean-Pascal Gond, Nahee Kang & Jeremy Moon

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