20 abr 2012

Population studies, 65 (3) november 2011

Original Articles

The influence of three genes on whether adolescents use contraception, USA 1994–2002
Jonathan Daw & Guang Guo

Infant death clustering in families: Magnitude, causes, and the influence of better health services, Bangladesh 1982–2005
Unnati Rani Saha & Arthur van Soest

Trends in late-life disability in Taiwan, 1989–2007: The roles of education, environment, and technology
Linda G. Martin, Zachary Zimmer &  Baai-Shyun Hurng

Sources of error in reported childlessness in a continuous British household survey
Máire Ní Bhrolcháin, Éva Beaujouan & Michael Murphy

Long-term trends in the longevity of scientific elites: Evidence from the British and the Russian academies of science
Evgeny M. Andreev, Dmitri Jdanov, Vladimir M. Shkolnikov & David A. Leon

The effects of social capital and social pressure on the intention to have a second or third child in France, Germany, and Bulgaria, 2004–05
Nicoletta Balbo & Melinda Mills

Review Essay

The causes and consequences of demographic transition
David Canning

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