5 abr 2012

Discourse & society, Vol. 21, No. 5 september 2010


Lucas M. Bietti
Sharing memories, family conversation and interaction

Karmen Erjavec and Zala Volčič
‘Target’, ‘cancer’ and ‘warrior’: Exploring painful metaphors of self-presentation used by girls born of war rape

Karen Gainer Sirota
Narratives of transformation: Family discourse, autism and trajectories of hope

Dalia Gavriely-Nuri
The idiosyncratic language of Israeli ‘peace’: A Cultural Approach to Critical Discourse Analysis (CCDA)

Stijn Joye
News discourses on distant suffering: a Critical Discourse Analysis of the 2003 SARS outbreak

Book Rewiews

Philipp P. Casula
Book review: Martin Müller, Making Great Power Identities in Russia: An Ethnographic Discourse Analysis of Education at a Russian Elite University. Zürich: LIT, 2009. 256 pp

Brian W. King
Book review: Rudolf Pell Gaudio, Allah Made Us: Sexual Outlaws in an Islamic African City. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. xv + 237 pp

Emily Farrell
Book review: Charlotte Linde, Working the Past: Narrative and Institutional Memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. vii + 249 pp

Abdol Mehdi Riazi
Book review: Mark Garner, Claire Wagner and Babara Kawulich (eds), Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences. UK: Ashgate, 2009. xix + 244 pp

Jan Blommaert
Book review: Asif Agha, Language and Social Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xv + 427 pp

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