19 abr 2012

Journal of Child Language, 38 (5) November 2011


Mutual exclusivity and phonological novelty constrain word learning at 16 months
Emily Mather and Kim Plunkett

Contributions of phonetic token variability and word-type frequency to phonological representations
Peter Richtsmeier, Louann Gerken and Diane Ohala

Investigating the effects of syllable complexity in Russian-speaking children with SLI
Darya Kavitskaya, Maria Babyonyshev, Theodore Walls and Elena Grigorenko

Children with Specific Language Impairment in Finnish: the use of tense and agreement inflections
Sari Kunnari, Tuula Savinainen-Makkonen, Laurence B. Leonard, Leena Mäkinen, Anna-Kaisa Tolonen, Mirja Luotonen and Eeva Leinonen

Infants' gestures influence mothers' provision of object, action and internal state labels
Janet Olson and Elise Frank Masur

Tuning information packaging: intonational realization of topic and focus in child Dutch
Aoju Chen

Brief Research Reports

A case-marking cue for filler–gap dependencies in children's relative clauses in Japanese
Takaaki Suzuki

Contending with foreign accent in early word learning*
Rachel Schmale, George Hollich and Amanda Seidl

Children aged 2 ; 1 use transitive syntax to make a semantic-role interpretation in a pointing task
Miriam Dittmar, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Elena Lieven and Michael Tomasello

Emotional state talk and emotion understanding: a training study with preschool children
Ilaria Grazzani Gavazzi and Veronica Ornaghi

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