5 abr 2012

Journal of family history, Vol. 35, No. 4 october 2010


Hannah Barker and Jane Hamlett
Living above the Shop: Home, Business, and Family in the English ‘‘Industrial Revolution’’

P. Bradley Nutting
Absent Husbands, Single Wives: Success, Domesticity, and Seminuclear Families in the Nineteenth-Century Great Lakes World

Albert Doja
Fertility Trends, Marriage Patterns, and Savant Typologies in Albanian Context

Melike Bildirici, Meltem Kökdener, and Özgür Ömer Ersin
An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Consanguineous Marriages on Economic Development

Tammy Razi
The Family Is Worthy of Being Rebuilt: Perceptions of the Jewish Family in Mandate Palestine, 1918-1948

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