19 abr 2012

Journal of systemic therapies, 30 (3) fall 2011

More Travels with Herodotus: Tripping over Borders Lightly or “Psychiatric Imperialism”
David Epston

Narrative Community Practice: Neighboring Communities Re-visited
Scot J. Cooper

Pedagogy Shaped by Culture: Teaching Narrative Approaches to Australian Aboriginal Health Workers
Maggie Carey, Shona Russell

Autoethnographic Means to the End of a Decolonizing Translation
Marcela polanco

Responsibility and the Other: Cross-Cultural Engagement in the Narratives of Three New Zealand School Leaders
Rose Yukich, Te Kawehau Hoskins

Improving Awareness of Vulnerabilities to Ethical Challenges: A Family Systems Approach
Cecile Brennan, Jennifer E. Eulberg, Paula J. Britton

The Corner: Innovative Services
David Epston

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