31 ago 2009
Journal of Latin American studies Vol. 41, part. 2 may 2009
Seeing like citizens: unofficial understandings of official racial categories in a Brazilian university
Eduardo Dargent
Determinants of judicial independence: lessons from three ‘cases’ of constitutional courts in Peru (1982–2007)
Leandro Prados de la Escosura
Lost decades? Economic performance in post-independence Latin America
Isabel Sanz Villarroya
Macroeconomic outcomes and the relative position of Argentina’s economy, 1875–2000
Paolo Riguzzi
From globalisation to revolution? The porfirian political economy: an essay on issues and interpretations
New literary history VOl. 40, No. 1 winter 2009
Stephen NachmNnovitch
This is play
Warren Motte
Playing in earnest
Laura Kendrick
Games medievalists play: how to make earnest of game and still enjoy it
Michael Holquist
Gambling with Kant: Faustian wagers
Doris Sommer
Schiller and company, or how Habermas incites us to play
Matthew Kaiser
The world in play: a portrait of a Victorian concept
Gary Saul Morson
Contingency, games, and wit
Marie-Laure Ryan
From playfields to fictional worlds: a second life for Ariosto
David Golumbia
Games without play
Thomas M. Malaby
Anthropology and play: the contours of playful experience
New literary history Vol. 39, No. 2 spring 2008
The things of civilization, the matters of empire: representing jimmy Button
Rey Chow
Reading derrida on being monolingual
Robert S. Lehman
Allegories of rending: killing time with Walter Benjamin
Alfred Guzzetti
A few things for themselves
Cary Wolfe
The idea of observation at key west, or, systems theory, poetry, and form beyond formalism
Tzachi Zamir
Wooden subjects
Stefan Mattessich
Self-critical theory: discursive strategies in an era of real universality
Marta Figlerowicz
“Frightful spectacles of a mangled king”: aphra behn’s oroonoko and narration through theater
David Fishelov
Dialogues with/and great books: with some serious reflections on Robinson Crusoe
Amy Witherbee
Habeas corpus: British imaginations of power in Walter Scott’s old mortality
New literary history Vol. 39, No. 1 winter 2008
Meredith Williams
Contingency, solidarity—irony: for richard rorty
Jürgen Habermas
". . . And to define America, her athletic democracy":
Richard J. Bernstein
Richard Rorty's deep humanism
Jeffrey Stout
Rorty at Princeton
E. D. Hirsch Jr.
Rorty and the priority of democracy to philosophy
Richard Rorty
Texts and lumps
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
The inspirational power of a shy philosopher
Andrzej Szahaj
Richard Rorty: memories
Frank Ankersmit
Rorty and history
Richard Rorty
Philosophy as a kind of writing:
Annette Baier
Can philosophers be patriots?
David Rigsbee
David Rigsbee
Wised up
David Rigsbee
Rorty from a poet's view
Günter Leypoldt
Uses of metaphor: richard rorty's literary criticism and the poetics of world-making
Nicholas M. Gaskill
Experience and signs: towards a pragmatist literary criticism
Comparative political studies Vol. 42, No. 8 august 2009
Enough!: Egypt’s quest for democracy
Kirk A. Hawkins
Is Chavez populist?: measuring populist discourse in comparative perspective
Julia Lynch and Mikko Myrskylä
Always the third rail?: pension income and policy preferences in European democracies
Quan Li
Democracy, autocracy, and expropriation of foreign direct investment
Eigthteenth century studies Vol. 42, No. 4 summer 2009
Robert E. Paulett
The bewildering world of William de Brahm: an eighteenth-century map maker surveys the end of time
Richard Johns
"An air of grandeur & modesty": James Thornhill's painting in the dome of st. Paul's cathedral
Todd Gilman
Arne, Handel, the beautiful, and the sublime
Kant and the Feelings of Reason
Otium cum dignitate: economy, politics, and pastoral in eighteenth-century
New York
Producing and consuming the Scottish enlightenment
Two-way traffic
Continuity and change in the long eighteenth century: two new works of cultural history
Venetian reflections
British weather and the climate of enlightenment (review)
Vaux and Versailles: the appropriations, erasures, and accidents that made modern France (review)
Maria Sibylla Merian and daughters: women of art and science (review)
Laurenz Lütteken
Pleasure and meaning in the classical symphony (review)
From sin to insanity: suicide in early modern Europe (review)
Journal of family history Vol. 34, No. 3 july 2009
Longevity and causes of death of adult males in the medici di bicci family
Damian Alan Pargas
Disposing of human property: American slave families and forced separation in comparative perspective
Kuentae Kim and Hyunjoon Park
Landholding and fertility in Korea: 1914-1925
Hiromi Ono
Husbands' and wives' education and divorce in the United States and Japan, 1946-2000
International journal of urban and regional research Vol. 33. No. 2 june 2009
The Sociology and Geography of Mortgage Markets: Reflections on the Financial Crisis
Manuel B. Aalbers
Jesus Hernandez
Redlining revisited: mortgage lending patterns in sacramento 1930–2004
Kathe Newman
Post-industrial widgets: capital flows and the production of the urban
Elvin Wyly, Markus Moos, Daniel Hammel, Emanuel Kabahizi
Cartographies of race and class: mapping the class-monopoly rents of American subprime mortgage capital
Kevin Fox Gotham
Creating liquidity out of spatial fixity: the secondary circuit of capital and the subprime mortgage crisis
Thomas Wainwright
Laying the foundations for a crisis: mapping the historico-geographical construction of residential mortgage backed securitization in the UK
Manuel B. Aalbers
The globalization and Europeanization of mortgage markets
Saskia Sassen
When local housing becomes an electronic instrument: the global circulation of mortgages — a research note
Gary A. Dymski
Afterword: mortgage markets and the urban problematic in the global transition
Urban Worlds
Benjamin Goldfrank, Andrew Schrank
Municipal neoliberalism and municipal socialism: urban political economy in Latin America
Valeria Guarneros-Meza
Mexican urban governance: how old and new institutions coexist and interact
Miguel Kanai, Iliana Ortega-Alcázar
The prospects for progressive culture-led urban regeneration in Latin America: cases from Mexico City and Buenos Aires
Heike C. Alberts
Berlin's failed bid to host the 2000 summer Olympic games: urban development and the improvement of sports facilities
Harvey Molotch, Mark Treskon
Changing art: Soho, Chelsea and the dynamic geography of galleries in New York City
Debates and Developments
Sharon Zukin
Changing landscapes of power: opulence and the urge for authenticity
AbdouMaliq Simone
Debate on 'the market as the new emperor': introductory note
Jieming Zhu
Anne Haila's 'the market as the new emperor'
Clara Irazábal
One size does not fit all: land markets and property rights for the construction of the just city
Nicholas Blomley, Janet C. Sturgeon
Property as abstraction
Scott Lash
Against institutionalism
Anne Haila
Chinese alternatives
Journal of social and personal relationships Vol. 26, No. 1 february 2009
Introduction to the special issue
Mario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver
An attachment and behavioral systems perspective on social support
Brant R. Burleson
Understanding the outcomes of supportive communication: a dual-process approach
Anita L. Vangelisti
Challenges in conceptualizing social support
Bert N. Uchino
What a lifespan approach might tell us about why distinct measures of social support have differential links to physical health
Kristina Orth-Gomér
Are social relations less health protective in women than in men? Social relations, gender, and cardiovascular health
Karen A. Ertel, M. Maria Glymour, and Lisa F. Berkman
Social networks and health: A life course perspective integrating observational and experimental evidence
Stevan E. Hobfoll
Social support: The movie
Karen S. Rook
Gaps in social support resources in later life: An adaptational challenge in need of further research
Irwin G. Sarason and Barbara R. Sarason
Social support: Mapping the construct
Applied linguistics Vol. 30, No. 1 march 2009
Masahiro Takimoto
The effects of input-based tasks on the development of learners' pragmatic proficiency
Asta Cekaite
Soliciting teacher attention in an l2 classroom: affect displays, classroom artefacts, and embodied action
Cade Bushnell
"Lego my Keego!": an analysis of language play in a beginning Japanese as a foreign language classroom
Igor Boguslavsky, Jesús Cardeñosa, and Carolina Gallardo
A novel approach to creating disambiguated multilingual dictionaries
Jieun Lee
Interpreting inexplicit language during courtroom examination
Michael Stubbs
Memorial article: John Sinclair (1933–2007): the search for units of meaning: Sinclair on empirical semantics
Alan Waters
Ideology in applied linguistics for language teaching
Applied linguistics Vol. 30. No. 2 June 2009
Jane Zuengler and Guy Cook
On a change of editor
Kata Csizér and Judit Kormos
Modelling the role of inter-cultural contact in the motivation of learning english as a foreign language
John Hellermann and Elizabeth Cole
Practices for social interaction in the language-learning classroom: disengagements from dyadic task interaction
Kimberly Anne Brooks-Lewis
Adult learners’ perceptions of the incorporation of their l1 in foreign language teaching and learning
Winnie Cheng, Chris Greaves, John McH. Sinclair, and Martin Warren
Uncovering the extent of the phraseological tendency: towards a systematic analysis of concgrams
Machiko Tomiyama
Age and proficiency in l2 attrition: data from two siblings
Chris Rizza
Semantically redundant language—a case study
First language Vol. 29, No. 90 august 2009
Five-year-olds' book talk and story retelling: contributions of mother—child joint bookreading
RosieVan Veen, Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul, Ted Sanders, and Huub van den Bergh
Parental input and connective acquisition: a growth curve analysis
Khazriyati Salehuddin and Heather Winskel
An investigation into Malay numeral classifier acquisition through an elicited production task
Minna Kirjavainen, Anna Theakston, Elena Lieven, and Michael Tomasello
"I want hold postman pat": an investigation into the acquisition of infinitival marker "to"
Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal Año 9, No. 34 junio 2009
Jó Klanovicz
Memória, fotografias e algumas versões: um estudo de caso sobre o papel da memórica no Sul do Brasil
María Laura Salinas
Trabajo, tributo, encomiendas y pueblos de indios en el nordeste argentino. Siglos XVI-XIX
An Van Hecke
Hibridez y metamorfosis en Juan Villoro: el universo mágico-mitológico del ajolote
Patrizia Di Patre
Cuando la mística irrumpe en la política: un antecedente literario español de Juan Montalvo, Catilinarias, I
Dossier: La otra cara de la inmigración: imágenes del latinoamericano en el cine español contemporáneo
Guido Rings
Jesús Varela-Zapata
Extrañamiento versus integración social: inmigrantes en el cine actual
Frank Leinen
"Hola, estáis en vuestra casa": la negociación de conflictos culturales, étnicos y de género en Flores de otro mundo de Icíar Bollaín
F. Manuel Montalbán Peregrín/M. Auxiliadora Durán Durán
Imágenes de la inmigración y feminidad: espacios de maniobra en La novia de Lázaro de Fernando Merinero
Sarah Barrow
Exilio y encuentro cultural en Cosas que dejé en La Habana
Gabrielle Carty
La mujer inmigrante indenfensa: Princesas, lejos de su reino
María Caballero Wangüemert
Extranjeras, de Helena Taberna: el ojo crítico del documental frente a la inmigración
Foro de debate
Ena Mercedes Matienzo León
"Las crónicas indígenas y mestizas son el 'espejo' -a veces cóncavo- de un arduo proceso de recreación y trasnformación literarias ocurrido en Hispanoamérica". Entrevista a la Dra. Raquel Chang Rodríguez
Inés Rojkind
Orden, participación y conflictos. La política en Buenos Aires a fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Miradas clásicas y nuevas aproximaciones
Melina Piglia
Estado y sociedad civil en la Argentina de entreguerras: un debate abierto
Paula Seiguer
Los inicios de un debate: el lugar del protestantismo histórico en la Argentina
28 ago 2009
American sociological review Vol. 73, No. 1 february 2008
Can Power from Below Change the World?
Eileen M. Otis
Beyond the Industrial Paradigm: Market-Embedded Labor and the Gender Organization of Global Service Work in China
Christopher A. Bail
The Configuration of Symbolic Boundaries against Immigrants in Europe
D. Michael Lindsay
Evangelicals in the Power Elite: Elite Cohesion Adavancing a Movement
Paul Lichterman
Religion and the Construction of Civic Identity
Francesca Borgonovi
Divided We Stand, United We Fall: Religious Pluralism, Giving, and Volunteering
ChangHwan Kim and Arthur Sakamoto
The Rise of Intra-Occupational Wage Inequality in the United States, 1983 to 2002
Sylvia Fuller
Job Mobility and Wage Trajectories for Men and Women in the United States
Research on language and social interaction Vol. 42, No. 2, apr.-jun. 2009
Beginning to Respond: Well-Prefaced Responses to Wh-Questions
Ee Lin Lee, and Bradford ‘J’ Hall
Thou Soo and Aih Auan: Communicating Dissatisfaction in a Chinese Malaysian Community
Lisa Mikesell
Conversational Practices of a Frontotemporal Dementia Patient and His Interlocutors
Sanna Vehviläinen
Student-Initiated Advice in Academic Supervision
Historia, antropología y fuentes orales
Luchar y resistir
Santiago Garaño
Sentidos y prácticas de la resistencia. Memorias de ex presas y presos políticos durante la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983).
Gonzalo Pérez Álvarez
Lucha y memoria obrera en el noreste del Chubut. Una aproximación desde la fábrica Modecraft 1990-1991.
Sherna Berger Gluck
El desafío de Mary Inman al PC de EE.UU. en torno a la cuestión de la mujer, 1930-1970: las consecuencias de resistirse a la línea oficial del partido.
Barbara Nicole Wiesinger
Más allá de héroes y víctimas: recuerdos de mujeres yugoslavas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y el mito partisano socialista. Memoria y conocimiento
Memoria y conocimiento
Eugenia Meyer
El fin de la memoria.
José Antonio G. Alcantud
Maurice Halbwachs en España, reflexividad sobre una ausencia.
Miguel Ángel Cabrera
El debate sobre el etnocentrismo tras la crisis de la modernidad.
Franco Ferrarotti
El conocimiento socioantropológico como conocimiento participado y verdad intersubjetiva.
Nuevos sujetos de la historia oral
Ángela Campos
Viviendo con la guerra: una entrevista a A. Fortuna.
Albert Lichtblau
Emigrantes negros en Austria y Europa Central.
Wendy Rickard
Historias desde el borde - una década de vida con el VIH.
Olivia Sagan
Investigación autobiográfica y enfermedad mental: «Esto no es un caso clínico. ¡Es mi VIDA!».
In memóriam
Günhan Danisman. Arzu Öztürkmen
Demography Vol. 46, No. 2 may 2009
Job Loss and Health in the U.S. Labor Market
Marilyn Sinkewicz and Irwin Garfinkel
Unwed Fathers’ Ability to Pay Child Support: New Estimates Accounting for Multiple-Partner Fertility
Christopher Wildeman
Parental Imprisonment, the Prison Boom, and the Concentration of Childhood Disadvantage
David W. Johnston, et al.
Nature’s Experiment? Handedness and Early Childhood Development
Lisa Cameron and Jenny Williams
Is the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Health Stronger for Older Children in Developing Countries?
Emily Oster
Proximate Sources of Population Sex Imbalance in India
Markus Gangl and Andrea Ziefle
Motherhood, Labor Force Behavior, and Women’s Careers: An Empirical Assessment of the Wage Penalty for Motherhood in Britain, Germany, and the United States
Douglas A. Wolf and Thomas M. Gill
Modeling Transition Rates Using Panel Current-Status Data: How Serious Is the Bias?
James P. Smith
Reconstructing Childhood Health Histories
Guangqing Chi
Can Knowledge Improve Population Forecasts at Subcounty Levels?
Americas Vol. 66, No. 1 july 2009
2009 CLAH Luncheon Address: Recuerdos/Remembrances
Peter M. Beattie
"Born under the Cruel Rigor of Captivity, the Supplicant Left It Unexpecedly by Committing a Crime": Categorizing and Punishing Slave Convicts in Brazil, 1830-1897
Ian Read
Sickness, Recovery, and Death among the Enslaved and Free People of Santos, Brazil, 1860-1888
Howard Wiarda
Research Note: The Political Sociology of a Concept: Corporatism and the "Distinct Tradition"