17 ago 2009

Comparative political studies Vol. 42, No. 6 june 2009

Scott Radnitz, Jhonathan Wheatley, and Christoph Zücher
The origins of social capital: evidence from a survey of Post-Soviet Central Asia

Helen Callaghan
Insiders, outsiders, and the politics of corporate governance: how ownership structure shapes party positions in Britian, Germany, And France

Matthew E, Wetstein, C. L. Ostberg, Donald R. Songer, and Susan W. Jhonson
Ideological consistency and attitudinal conflict: a comparative analysis of the U.S. and Canadian Supreme Courts

Margit Tavits
The making of Mavericks: local loyalties and party defection

Daniela Piana
The power knocks at the courts' backs door: two waves of postcommunist judicial reforms

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