26 ago 2009

Demography Vol. 46, No. 1 february 2009


Brian A’Hearn, Franco Peracchi, and Giovanni Vecchi
Height and the normal distribution: evidence from Italian military data

Eric N. Reither, Robert M. Hauser, and Karen C. Swallen
Predicting adult health and mortality from adolescent facial characteristics in yearbook photographs

Mika Ueyama and Futoshi Yamauchi
Marriage behavior response to prime-age adult mortality: evidence from Malawi

Michael S. Rendall, Mark S. Handcock, and Stefan H. Jonsson
Bayesian estimation of Hispanic fertility hazards from survey and population data

Susan L. Brown and Wendy D. Manning
Family boundary ambiguity and the measurement of family structure: the significance of cohabitation

Steven M. Goodreau, James A. Kitts, and Martina Morris
Birds of a feather, or friend of a friend? Using exponential random graph models to investigate adolescent social networks

Stanley K. Smith and Chris McCarty
Fleeing the storm(s): an examination of evacuation behavior during Florida’s 2004 hurricane season

Thomas J. Cooke, Paul Boyle, Kenneth Couch, and Peteke Feijten
A longitudinal analysis of family migration and the gender gap in earnings in the United States and Great Britain

Francesca Mazzolari
Dual citizenship rights: do they make more and richer citizens?

Comments and reply

John Ermisch
The rising share of nonmarital births: is it only compositional effects?

Steven Martin
Comment: there may be compositional effects, but they do not work that way

Lawrence L. Wu
Composition and decomposition in nonmarital fertility

Jo Anna Gray, Jean Stockard, and Joe Stone
Response to ermisch, Martin, and Wu

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