13 ago 2009

Eighteenth century studies Vol. 41, No. 2 winter 2008

Martin Andy
Introduction: Surfing the revolution : the fatal impact of the Pacific on Europe

Smith Vanessa
Performance anxieties: grief and theatre in european writing on Tahiti

Agnew Vanessa
Listining to others: Eighteenth-century encounters in Polynesia and their reception in German musical thought

Jimack Peter and Mander Jenny
Reuniting the world: The pacifics in Raynal's Histoire des deux indes

Martin Andy
The enlightenment in paradise: Bougainville, Tahiti, and the duty of desire

Kapor Vladimir
Shifting edenic codes: on two exotic visions of the golden age in the late eighteenth century

Wilson Kathleen
Rowe's fair penitent as global history: or, a diversionary voyage to New South Wales

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