14 ago 2009

Comparative studies in society and history Vol. 51, No. 1 january 2009

Chari Sharad and verdery Katherine
Thinking between the post: postcolonialism, postsocialism and ethnography after the cold war

Kristić Thana
Illuminated by the light of Islam and the glory of the Ottoman Sultanate: self-narrative of conversion to Islam in the age of confessionalization

Tomlinson Matt
Efficacy, truth, and silence: language ideologies in fijan christian conversions

Özyürek Esra
Convert alert: German muslims and Turkish christians as threats to security in the new europe

Uchida Jun
"A scramble for freight": the politics of collaboration along and across the railway tracks of Korea under japanese rule

Philliou Chritine
Commnunities on the verge: unaraveling the phanariot ascendancy in Ottoman governance

Jeffrey Craig
Fixing futures: educated unemployment througth a North Indian Lens

Fernández-Armesto Felipe
History beyond history: New adventures on the frontiers of traditional

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