31 ago 2009

New literary history Vol. 39, No. 2 spring 2008

Ruth Mayer
The things of civilization, the matters of empire: representing jimmy Button

Rey Chow
Reading derrida on being monolingual

Robert S. Lehman
Allegories of rending: killing time with Walter Benjamin

Alfred Guzzetti
A few things for themselves

Cary Wolfe
The idea of observation at key west, or, systems theory, poetry, and form beyond formalism

Tzachi Zamir
Wooden subjects

Stefan Mattessich
Self-critical theory: discursive strategies in an era of real universality

Marta Figlerowicz
“Frightful spectacles of a mangled king”: aphra behn’s oroonoko and narration through theater

David Fishelov
Dialogues with/and great books: with some serious reflections on Robinson Crusoe

Amy Witherbee
Habeas corpus: British imaginations of power in Walter Scott’s old mortality

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