Elaboration and regulation of lived emotion in preschoolers’ autobiographical narratives: The role of maternal conversational cooperation
Favez Nicolas
‘It was Emma’s army who bullied that girl’: A narrative perspective on bullying and identity making in three girls’ friendship groups
Karlsson Marie and Ann-Carita Evaldsson
Standardized relational pairs in interviews with former slaves: Construction, negotiation and alignment
Van De Mieroop, Dorien and Jonathan Clifton
“If only” and “despite all”: Narrative configuration among young people living in residential care
Jansen, Anne and Hanne Haavind
Accounting for discovery: Genetic scientists’ narratives
Cathy Sampson and Paul Atkinson
‘Rebuilding after the storm’: Stories of young motherhood
Warnes, Jan and Anna Daiches
Chronotopes of madness and recovery: A challenge to narrative linearity
Torn, Alison
Constructing and pre-constructing coherent accounts of the social world
Levy, Elena T.
“The problem is…”: Narratives as resources in criminal case work
Hannken-Illjes, Kati

Ir a registro BUAP
Elaboration and regulation of lived emotion in preschoolers’ autobiographical narratives: The role of maternal conversational cooperation
Favez Nicolas
‘It was Emma’s army who bullied that girl’: A narrative perspective on bullying and identity making in three girls’ friendship groups
Karlsson Marie and Ann-Carita Evaldsson
Standardized relational pairs in interviews with former slaves: Construction, negotiation and alignment
Van De Mieroop, Dorien and Jonathan Clifton
“If only” and “despite all”: Narrative configuration among young people living in residential care
Jansen, Anne and Hanne Haavind
Accounting for discovery: Genetic scientists’ narratives
Cathy Sampson and Paul Atkinson
‘Rebuilding after the storm’: Stories of young motherhood
Warnes, Jan and Anna Daiches
Chronotopes of madness and recovery: A challenge to narrative linearity
Torn, Alison
Constructing and pre-constructing coherent accounts of the social world
Levy, Elena T.
“The problem is…”: Narratives as resources in criminal case work
Hannken-Illjes, Kati
Ir a registro BUAP