28 dic 2011

Narrative inquiry, Vol. 21, no. 1, 2011


Elaboration and regulation of lived emotion in preschoolers’ autobiographical narratives: The role of maternal conversational cooperation
Favez Nicolas

‘It was Emma’s army who bullied that girl’: A narrative perspective on bullying and identity making in three girls’ friendship groups
Karlsson Marie and Ann-Carita Evaldsson

Standardized relational pairs in interviews with former slaves: Construction, negotiation and alignment
Van De Mieroop, Dorien and Jonathan Clifton

“If only” and “despite all”: Narrative configuration among young people living in residential care
Jansen, Anne and Hanne Haavind

Accounting for discovery: Genetic scientists’ narratives
Cathy Sampson and Paul Atkinson

‘Rebuilding after the storm’: Stories of young motherhood
Warnes, Jan and Anna Daiches

Chronotopes of madness and recovery: A challenge to narrative linearity
Torn, Alison

Constructing and pre-constructing coherent accounts of the social world
Levy, Elena T.

“The problem is…”: Narratives as resources in criminal case work
Hannken-Illjes, Kati

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16 dic 2011

Arqueología mexicana, edición especial No. 41, diciembre 2011

La tumba 7 de Monte Albán, Oaxaca
Textos: Alfonso Caso
Fotografías: Oliver Santana

La tumba 7 de Monte Albán, Oaxaca

Metales Preciosos
Plata y cobre

Piedras Preciosas
Cristal de roca

Otros Materiales
Concha y coral


Huesos Humanos

Huesos De Animales

Página web: Arqueología mexicana

Cuicuilco. Revista de la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Vol. 17, No. 49, jul.-dic. 2010


Presentación: La antropología de la medicina en España y México: algunas miradas
Nelson E. Álvarez Licona y Oriol Romaní

Los pros y los contras del uso de la mariguana
Cleva Villanueva

¿Se debe criminalizar el uso de drogas ilegales?
Nelson E. Álvarez Licona

Discriminación, discurso y SIDA
María de la luz Sevilla González

Drogadicción, farmacodependencia y drogodependencia: definiciones, confusiones y aclaraciones
Luis Berruecos Villalobos

Adicciones, drogodependencias y “problema de la droga” en España: la construcción de un problema social
Oriol Romaní

Miseria y exclusión, dependencia y explotación: los yonquis de los años 2000
Gabrielle Leflaive

Exploración antropológica sobre la salud/enfermedad/atención en migrantes senegaleses en Barcelona
Alejandro Goldberg

Estudio antropológico en torno a la prostitución
Elvira Villa Camarma


Sífilis venérea: realidad patológica, discurso médico y construcción social. Siglo XVI
Érika Gretchen Almady Sánchez

“Vacunas sí, pero planificación familiar no”. Representaciones sociales sobre grupos domésticos triquis de la Ciudad de México
Zuanilda Mendoza González

Las lógicas del no-reconocimiento y la lucha cotidiana de las migrantes zapotecas en Estados Unidos. Breve etnografía del servicio doméstico
Alejandra Aquino Moreschi

Joyas o indios vestidos de mujer en la Alta California colonial: reflexiones sobre la identidad de género
Mario Alberto G. Magaña Mancillas y Raúl Balbuena Bello

Religión y construcción simbólica de territorios identitarios urbanos en la ciudad de Guadalajara: El Bethel y Santa Cecilia
Daniel Solís Domínguez


'Mixtecos de la costa. Estudio etnográfico de Alfonso Fabila en Jamiltepec, Oaxaca (1956)' de FABILA Montes de Oca, Alfonso
Hilario Topete Lara

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Revistas Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Cuicuilco. Revista de la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Vol. 17, No. 48, ene.-jun. 2010

Multiculturalismo, interculturalismo y educación intercultural


Jorge Tirzo Gómez

Relaciones interculturales, interculturalidad y multiculturalismo; teorías, conceptos, actores y referencias 
Juana Guadalupe Hernández y Jorge Tirzo Gómez 

La lengua originaria ante el modelo intercultural en la Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Puebla 
Iván Deance y Verónica Vázquez Valdés

Las tribus urbanas: campo virgen en historia y fértil para la interdisciplinariedad 
Carlos Alejandro Belmonte Grey

Interculturalismo y hermenéutica: de la tradición como pasado a la actualidad de la tradición 
Marcelino Arias Sandí y Miriam Hernández Reyna

El paradigma del multiculturalismo frente a la crisis de la educación intercultural 
Samuel Arriarán Cuéllar y Elizabeth Hernández Alvídrez

La etnografía reflexiva en el acompañamiento de procesos de interculturalidad educativa: un ejemplo veracruzano 
Gunther Dietz y Laura Selene Mateos Cortés

La formación docente para una educación intercultural en la escuela secundaria
Adrián Valverde López

Cultura, identidad y etnicidad, aproximaciones al entorno multicultural: rompiendo costumbres y paradigmas cotidianos 
Laura G. Zaragoza Contreras

Convergencias y divergencias en dos discursos sobre la educación intercultural 
Rocío Fuentes


Cronotopos de una nación distópica: el nacimiento de la “dependencia” en México durante el Porfiriato tardío 
Claudio Lomnitz

¿Pueden los indios modernos convertir al hombre blanco? Fiesta patronal y rodeo entre los huicholes del occidente mexicano 
Frédéric Saumade

El marianismo en México: una mirada a su larga duración
Marialba Pastor

Territorio sagrado: cuerpo humano y naturaleza en el pensamiento maya 
Manuel Alberto Morales Damián

Cosmovisión de la escuela primaria. Una aportación a la antropología educativa
Gloria Ornelas Tavarez


´De la exclusión al diálogo intercultural con los pueblos indígenas, México´ de Natalio Hernández
Luis de la Peña Martínez

´El barrio de La Merced: estudio para su regeneración integral´ de Ricardo Antonio Tena Núñez y Salvador Urrieta García (Coords.)

14 dic 2011

Medical anthropology quarterly Vol. 25, No. 3 september 2011


Do “Illegal” Im/migrants Have a Right to Health? Engaging Ethical Theory as Social Practice at a Tel Aviv Open Clinic
Sarah S. Willen

Take a Stand Commentary: How Can Medical Anthropologists Contribute to Contemporary Conversations on “Illegal” Im/migration and Health?
Sarah S. Willen, Jessica Mulligan and Heide Castañeda

Haiti, Insecurity, and the Politics of Asylum
Erica Caple James

Candi(e)d Action: Biosocialities of Turkish Berliners Living with Diabetes
Cornelia Guell

A Precarious Rite of Passage in Postreform China: : Heroin Use among Nuosu Youths on the Move
Shao-hua Liu

Book Reviews

Medical Research for Hire: The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials by Jill A. Fisher
Ari Martin Samsky

The Oglala Sioux: Warriors in Transition by Robert H. Ruby A Doctor among the Oglala Sioux Tribe by Robert H. Ruby
Raymond A. Bucko

Comprehending Drug Use: Ethnographic Research at the Social Margins by J. Bryan Page and Merrill Singer
Todd Meyers

Medical anthropology quarterly Vol. 25, No. 2 june 2011


Down Cancer Alley: The Lived Experience of Health and Environmental Suffering in Louisiana's Chemical Corridor
Merrill Singer

Deconstructing Fatalism: Ethnographic Perspectives on Women's Decision Making about Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Elaine M. Drew and Nancy E. Schoenberg

Special Focus. After Progress: Time and Improbable Futures in Clinic Spaces

Introduction to Special Issue After Progress: Time and Improbable Futures in Clinic Spaces
S. Lochlann Jain and Sharon R. Kaufman

Futility in the Practice of Community Psychiatry
Paul Brodwin

Medicare, Ethics, and Reflexive Longevity: Governing Time and Treatment in an Aging Society Sharon R. Kaufman and Lakshmi Fjord

Abandonment and Accumulation: Embryonic Futures in the United States and Ecuador
Elizabeth F. S. Roberts

Debating Life After Disaster: Charity Hospital Babies and Bioscientific Futures in Post-Katrina New Orleans
Anne M. Lovell

Homo Economicus and Life Markets
João Biehl

Book Reviews

Evolutionary Medicine and Health: New Perspectives by Wenda R. Trevathan, E. O. Smith, and James J. McKenna
Elizabeth Herlihy

Health and Social Disparity: Japan and Beyond edited by Norito Kawakami, Yasuki Kobayashi, and Hiedeki Hashimoto
Makie Kawabata

Veins of Devotion: Blood Donation and Religious Experience in North India by Jacob Copeman.
Maarten Bode

Illness and the Limits of Expression by Kathlyn Conway
Cheryl Mattingly

The Modern Period: Menstruation in Twentieth-Century America by Lara Freidenfelds
Janet Lee

Social Bodies edited by Helen Lambert and Maryon McDonald
Hanna Garth

Treating Dementia. Do We Have a Pill for It? edited by Jesse F. Bellenger, Peter J. Whitehouse, Constantine G. Lyketsos, Peter V. Rabins, and Jason H. T. Karlawish
Athena McLean

Global Health in Times of Violence edited by Barbara Rylko-Bauer, Linda Whiteford, and Paul Farmer
Jean N. Scandlyn

Medical anthropology quarterly Vol. 25, No. 1 march 2011


Conceiving Silence: Infertility as Discursive Contradiction in Ireland
Jill Allison

Strange Distance: Towards an Anthropology of Interior Dialogue
Andrew Irving

A Few Thoughts on “Strange Distance: Towards an Anthropology of Interior Dialogue” 
Todd Meyers

Maya Mobile Medicine in Guatemala: The “Other” Public Health
T. S. Harvey

An Unanticipated Source of Hope: Stigma and Cervical Cancer in Brazil
Jessica L. Gregg

“Who Is Healthy among the Korwa?” Liminality in the Experiential Health of the Displaced Korwa of Central India
Mokshika Gaur and Soumendra M. Patnaik

The Straw That Breaks the Camel's Back Redirecting Health-Seeking Behavior Studies on Malaria and Vulnerability
Joan Muela Ribera and Susanna Hausmann-Muela

Book Reviews

Breaking the Ashes: The Culture of Illicit Liquor in Sri Lanka by Michele Ruth Gamburd Benelong's Haven: Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Abuse within an Aboriginal Australian Residential Treatment Center by Michele Ruth Gamburd
Janet Chrzan

Ethics and AIDS in Africa: The Challenge to Our Thinking edited by Anton A. Van Niekerk and Loretta M. Kopelman
Merrill Singer

Palaeoepidemiology: The Measure of Disease in the Human Past by Tony Waldron
Sharon N. DeWitte

Developing Grounded Theory: The Second Generation by Janice M. Morse, Phyllis Noerager Stern, Juliet Corbin, Barbara Bowers, Kathy Charmaz, and Adele E. Clarke
Guro Huby

Transgressive Sex: Subversion and Control in Erotic Encounter edited edited by Hastings Donnan and Fiona Magowan
Harriet Lyons

Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon by Stephan V. Beyer
Donald Joralemon

Positioning Identities: Lesbians’ and Gays’ Experiences with Mental Health Care by Hazel K. Platzer
Timothy McCajor Hall

Sciences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities by Sandra Harding

Demography Vol. 48, No. 3, august 2011

Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for All Countries

Leontine Alkema, Adrian E. Raftery, Patrick Gerland, Samuel J. Clark and François Pelletier, et al.

Tempo and the TFR
Máire Ní Bhrolcháin

The Impact of College Education on Fertility: Evidence for Heterogeneous Effects
Jennie E. Brand and Dwight Davis

The Black Gender Gap in Educational Attainment: Historical Trends and Racial Comparisons
Anne McDaniel, Thomas A. DiPrete, Claudia Buchmann and Uri Shwed

Education and Male-Female Differences in Later-Life Cognition: International Evidence From Latin America and the Caribbean
Jürgen Maurer

A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship Between Fertility Timing and Schooling
Kevin Stange

The Evolution of Family Complexity from the Perspective of Nonmarital Children
Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer and Steven T. Cook

Cohabitation History, Marriage, and Wealth Accumulation
Jonathan Vespa and Matthew A. Painter

Divorced Fathers’ Proximity and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes: Evidence From Norwegian Registry Data
Ariel Kalil, Magne Mogstad, Mari Rege and Mark Votruba

Men’s Migration and Women’s Fertility in Rural Mozambique
Victor Agadjanian, Scott T. Yabiku and Boaventura Cau

Declining Return Migration From the United States to Mexico in the Late-2000s Recession: A Research Note
Michael S. Rendall, Peter Brownell and Sarah Kups

How High is Hispanic/Mexican Fertility in the United States? Immigration and Tempo Considerations
Emilio A. Parrado

Understanding the “Russian Mortality Paradox” in Central Asia: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
Michel Guillot, Natalia Gavrilova and Tetyana Pudrovska

Moderate Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Mortality
Theodore D. Fuller

Responsive Survey Design, Demographic Data Collection, and Models of Demographic Behavior
William G. Axinn, Cynthia F. Link and Robert M. Groves

The Relationship History Calendar: Improving the Scope and Quality of Data on Youth Sexual Behavior
Nancy Luke, Shelley Clark and Eliya M. Zulu

Life Shocks and Crime: A Test of the “Turning Point” Hypothesis
Hope Corman, Kelly Noonan, Nancy E. Reichman and Ofira Schwartz-Soicher

The Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction: Racial Proxy Revisited
Sapna Swaroop and Maria Krysan

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Revistas Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Comparative studies in society and history Vol. 53, No. 2, april 2011

Paper, Pen, and Print: The Transformation of the Kai Tahu Knowledge Order
Tony Ballantyne

Before the Law: Women's Petitions in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish Empire
Bianca Premo

A Secret in the Oxford Sense: Thieves and the Rhetoric of Mystification in Western India
Anastasia Piliavsky

“Money bound you—money shall loose you”: Micro-Credit, Social Capital, and the Meaning of Money in Upper Canada
Albert Schrauwers

The Debts that Bind Us: A Comparison of Amazonian Debt-Peonage and U.S. Mortgage
Evan Killick

Liberation and Redistribution: Social Grants, Commercial Insurance, and Religious Riches
in South Africa
Erik Bähre

An Atlantic Genealogy of “Spirit Possession”
Paul Christopher Johnson

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Journal of Latin American studies Vol. 43, part 3, august 2011

Venezuela's Social-Based Democratic Model: Innovations and Limitations
Steve Ellner

Multicultural Market Democracy: Elites and Indigenous Movements in Contemporary Ecuador
James D. Bowen

‘Guatemala Will Never Change’: Radical Pessimism and the Politics of Personal Interest in the Western Highlands
Nick Copeland

The Politics of Technopols: Resources, Political Competence and Collective Leadership in Chile, 1990–2010
Alfredo Joignant

‘Arisen from Deep Slumber’: Transnational Politics and Competing Nationalisms among Syrian Immigrants in Argentina, 1900–1922
Steven Hyland

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

13 dic 2011

Demography Vol. 48, No. 2, may 2011

Individual Decisions to Migrate During Civil Conflict
Pratikshya Bohra-Mishra and Douglas S. Massey

Simulating the Effects of Acculturation and Return Migration on the Maternal and Infant Health of Mexican Immigrants in the United States: A Research Note
Miguel Ceballos

Familial Influences on Poverty Among Young Children in Black Immigrant, U.S.-born Black, and Nonblack Immigrant Families
Kevin J. A. Thomas

Estimating the Effect of Smoking on Slowdowns in Mortality Declines in Developed Countries
Brian L. Rostron and John R. Wilmoth

The Protective Effect of Marriage for Survival: A Review and Update

Michael S. Rendall, Margaret M. Weden, Melissa M. Favreault and Hilary Waldron Being Born Under Adverse Economic Conditions Leads to a Higher Cardiovascular Mortality Rate Later in Life: Evidence Based on Individuals Born at Different Stages of the Business Cycle
Gerard J. van den Berg, Gabriele Doblhammer-Reiter and Kaare Christensen

Is There an Urban Advantage in Child Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence From 18
Countries in the 1990s
Philippe Bocquier, Nyovani Janet Madise and Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu

Transition to Parenthood: The Role of Social Interaction and Endogenous Networks
Belinda Aparicio Diaz, Thomas Fent, Alexia Prskawetz and Laura Bernardi

More Evidence for Trends in the Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce: A Completed Cohort Approach Using Data From the General Social Survey
Nicholas H. Wolfinger

Pathways of Early Fatherhood, Marriage, and Employment: A Latent Class Growth Analysis
Jacinda K. Dariotis, Joseph H. Pleck, Nan M. Astone and Freya L. Sonenstein

Intergenerational Profiles of Socioeconomic (Dis)advantage and Obesity During the Transition to Adulthood
Melissa Scharoun-Lee, Penny Gordon-Larsen, Linda S. Adair, Barry M. Popkin and Jay S.
Kaufman, et al.

Cross-National Sources of Health Inequality: Education and Tobacco Use in the World Health Survey
Fred C. Pampel and Justin T. Denney

The Impact of the AIDS Pandemic on Health Services in Africa: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys
Anne Case and Christina Paxson

Health Measurement in Population Surveys: Combining Information from Self-reported and Observer-Measured Health Indicators
George B. Ploubidis and Emily Grundy

Medicaid Expansions and Fertility in the United States
Thomas DeLeire, Leonard M. Lopoo and Kosali I. Simon

Microcredit, Family Planning Programs, and Contraceptive Behavior: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Ethiopia
Jaikishan Desai and Alessandro Tarozzi

Estimating a Dynamic Model of Sex Selection in China
Avraham Ebenstein


Erratum to: Immigration, Crime, and Incarceration in Early Twentieth-Century America
Carolyn Moehling and Anne Morrison Piehl

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Revistas Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Archivum. Revista de la Facultad de Filología, Tomo 60, 2010


Subjetividad y punto de vista en la traducción de unidades léxicas: análisis de un caso
Gemma Andújar Moreno, Montserrat Cunillera Domènech

El artículo cero en francés: procesividad, homogeneidad y características internas
Jean-Claude Anscombre

"Los desagravios de Cristo" de Álvaro Cubillo de Aragón: entre el teatro religioso y la
historia sagrada
Antonio Cortijo Ocaña

Factor religioso y factor profano en el desarrollo de las tradiciones gramaticales hebrea
y castellana
Rodrigo Guijarro Lasheras

Fuentes gramaticales francesas en la Gramática General española (J. M. Gómez
Hermosilla, Madrid 1841)
Brigitte Lépinette Lepers

El medievalismo en un mundo posmoderno: "Arthur the King" (2003), de Allan Massie y
"El rapto del Santo Grial" (1984), de Paloma Díaz�Mas
John J. Macklin

La Guerra Civil española en la literatura italiana: desde el final del conflicto hasta
nuestros días
Antonio Javier Marqués Salgado

El santo peregrino en el teatro jesuítico: "La vida de San Alejo, peregrino en su patria"
Jesús Menéndez Peláez

Fray Luis de León, filólogo de la teología
Juan Luis Monreal Pérez

Los milagros de santa Radegunda y dos apéndices
Francisco Pejenaute Rubio

El desarraigo social juvenil de los años ochenta en "Story of My Life", de Jay McInerney
Francisco Javier Vallina Samperio

Filoloxia asturiana

Una observación sol participiu nel procesu evolutivu del asturianu
Xosé Lluis García Arias

Recensiones y reseñas

El "Manual de gramática histórica (1904-1941) de Ramón Menéndez Pidal"
José Polo (res.)

Carlos Alberto Vega, El transformismo religioso. La abnegación sexual de la mujer en la
España medieval, Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 2008
Marcos Cortés Guadarrama (res.)

Miguel Ángel García, "Sin que la muerte al ojo estorbo sea", nueva lectura crítica de
Francisco de Aldana Mérida, Editora Regional de Extremadura, 2010
Juan García Única (res.)

Cristina García Moya, Edición y estudio de "La Valeriana" ("Crónica abreviada de
España" de Mosén Diego de Valera), Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 2009
Elena González-Blanco García (res.)

Begoña Camblor Pandiella, Hacia todos los vientos. El legado creativo de Aurora de
Albornoz, Madrid, Devenir, 2010
Alba González Sanz (res.)

Josep R. Guzmán y Joan Verdegal (eds.), Minorized Languages in Europe: State and
Survival, Brno, Compostela Group of Universities, 2009,
Andrzej Zielinski (res.)

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Demography Vol. 48, No. 1, february 2011

A Multigenerational View of Inequality
Robert D. Mare

Paternal Incarceration and Support for Children in Fragile Families
Amanda Geller, Irwin Garfinkel and Bruce Western

Ethnic Differences in Leaving Home: Timing and Pathways
Aslan Zorlu and Clara H. Mulder

The Effect of Family Member Migration on Education and Work Among Nonmigrant Youth
in Mexico
Andrew Halpern-Manners

Children’s Experiences After the Unintended Birth of a Sibling
Jennifer S. Barber and Patricia L. East

Does Multiracial Matter? A Study of Racial Disparities in Self-Rated Health
Jenifer L. Bratter and Bridget K. Gorman

The Effects of Childhood, Adult, and Community Socioeconomic Conditions on Health and Mortality among Older Adults in China
Ming Wen and Danan Gu

The Effects of Children’s Migration on Elderly Kin’s Health: A Counterfactual Approach
Randall Kuhn, Bethany Everett and Rachel Silvey

Losses of Expected Lifetime in the United States and Other Developed Countries: Methods and Empirical Analyses
Vladimir M. Shkolnikov, Evgeny M. Andreev, Zhen Zhang, James Oeppen and James W. Vaupel

Disability Among Native-born and Foreign-born Blacks in the United States
Irma T. Elo, Neil K. Mehta and Cheng Huang

Heterogeneity in the Strehler-Mildvan General Theory of Mortality and Aging
Hui Zheng, Yang Yang and Kenneth C. Land

Child Underreporting, Fertility, and Sex Ratio Imbalance in China
Daniel Goodkind

Nonmarital Childbearing in Russia: Second Demographic Transition or Pattern of Disadvantage?
Brienna Perelli-Harris and Theodore P. Gerber

Son Preference in Indian Families: Absolute Versus Relative Wealth Effects
Sylvestre Gaudin

The Leverage of Demographic Dynamics on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Does Age Structure Matter?
Emilio Zagheni

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Revistas Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Journal of Latin American studies Vol. 43, part 2, may 2011


Urban Guajiros: Colonial Reconcentración, Rural Displacement and Criminalisation in
Western Cuba, 1895–1902
Guadalupe García

‘Gonzalo Oleas, Defensor’: Cultural Intermediation in Mid-Twentieth-Century Ecuador
Marc Becker

Ethnic Proximity and Ethnic Voting in Peru
Raúl L. Madrid

Depoliticisation and the Changing Trajectories of Grassroots Women's Leadership in
Peru: From Empowerment to Service Delivery?
Katy Jenkins

Do Exchange Rate Regimes Matter for Inflation and Exchange Rate Dynamics? The Case
of Central America
Rodrigo Caputo G. And Igal Magendzo

Journal of Latin American studies Vol. 43, part 1, february 2011

Research Articles

Popular Participation in State Formation: Land Reform in Revolutionary Mexico
Helga Baitenmann

Free Association and Civil Society in Cuba, 1787–1895
Alfonso W. Quiroz

Chachawarmi: Silence and Rival Voices on Decolonisation and Gender Politics in Andean Bolivia
Anders Burman

The Production of Autonomy: Leadership and Community in Mayan Guatemala
Stener Ekern

Quetzaltenango's First Mayan Mayor: Transforming Political Culture and the Politics of Belonging?
Elisabet Dueholm Rasch

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

12 dic 2011

Rural history: economy, society, culture Vol. 22, No. 2 october 2011

Research Articles

Woodland Management in Hampshire, 900 to 1815
Alan Albery

Passive and Impoverished? A Discussion of Rural Popular Culture in the Mid Victorian
Gary Moses

The Transformation of Lowland Game Shooting in England and Wales since the Second
World War: The Supply Side Revolution
John Martin

Making a Rural Movement: The Farmers’ Union's Answer to a Changing Rural World in
Flanders, from the 1960s to the 1970s
Chantal Bisschop

Path Dependence and the Modernisation of Agriculture: A Case Study of Aragon, 1955–85
Ernesto Clar And Vicente Pinilla

Quaderni storici Año, 46, No. 2 (137), agosto 2011

Debt and bankruptcy in Florence. Statutes and cases
Thomas Kuehn

From credit to savings? An examination of debt and credit in relation to increasing
consumption in England (c. 1650 to 1770)
Craig Muldrew

Credit and misunderstanding. On Nantucket Island, Massachussets (1683-1763)
Daniel Vickers

La morte generosa. Reciprocità e denaro nei legami familiari (Roma, sec. XIX)
Angiolina Arru

La prassi culturale del credito fra reti private e prestiti istituzionali
Gabriele B. Clemens, Daniel Reupke

Criteri formali, esperienza personale e conoscenza delle istituzioni. La concessione di
crediti in una cassa di risparmio di una piccola città tedesca (1830-1866)
Johannes Bracht

Il posto delle donne nella piccola economia finanziaria in Europa, in età moderna
Laurence Fontaine

La necessità e la virtù. La banca, il rischio e la ricerca della clientela ideale (Napoli, anni
cinquanta del Novecento)
Maria Rosaria De Rosa

L'uomo che sapeva leggere i listini. Relazioni creditizie e affari ad Avellino negli anni venti
del Novecento
Giuseppe Moricola

Le Unioni economiche. Un terzo settore del credito al consumo in Francia (1900-1954)
Sabine Effosse

Comunity, race, and the origins of the British credit union movement
Sean O'Connell

Discussioni e letture

A proposito di «Affari di famiglia» di Maurizio Bettini
Gérard Delille, Andrea Giardina, Rocco Borgognoni

A proposito di «Kommunistische Intellektuelle in Westeuropa» di Thomas Kroll
Gustavo Corni, Josef Ehmer

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International history review Vol. 33, No. 3, september 2011


Making the Conspiracy Theorist a Prophet: Covert Action and the Contours of United States–Iraq Relations
Hal Brands

US Policy on European Integration during the GATT Kennedy Round Negotiations (1963–
67): the last Hurrah of America's Europeanists
Lucia Coppolaro

‘Moral Purpose is the Important Thing’: David Lilienthal, Iran, and the Meaning of
Development in the US, 1956–63
Christopher T. Fisher

‘Barren Soil, Fertile Minds’: North China Famine and Visions of the ‘Callous
Chinese’Circa 1920
Pierre Fuller

Completing Decolonization: The 1973 ‘Oil Shock’ and the Struggle for Economic Rights
Giuliano Garavini

Patterns of the Future? British Mediterranean Strategy and the Choice Between
Alexandria and Cyprus 1935–8
Manolis Koumas

Powerful State, Powerless Mediator: The United States and the Peace Efforts of the
Palestine Conciliation Commission, 1949–51
Stian Johansen Tiller & Hilde Henriksen Waage

‘Zero Plus Zero Plus Zero’: Pakistan, the Baghdad Pact, and the Suez Crisis
Sohail H. Hashmi

International history review Vol. 33, No. 2, june 2011


Securing the Sinews of Sea Power: British Intervention in the Baltic 1780–1815
James Davey

Tidings from a Faraway East: The Russian Empire and Morocco
Paul du Quenoy

From Adrianople to Münchengrätz: Metternich, Russia, and the Eastern Question 1829—33
Miroslav Šedivý

The Law of the Jungle? Denmark's International Legal Status during the Second World War
Karen Gram-Skjoldager

The President, the ‘Theologians’ and the Europeans: The Johnson Administration and NATO Nuclear Sharing
Andrew Priest

The Limits of Linkage: The Nixon Administration and Willy Brandt's Ostpolitik, 1969–72
Jean-François Juneau

The Great Patriotic War, FDR's Embassy Moscow, and Soviet–US Relations
David Mayers

A ‘Half-hearted Response’?: Canada and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
Asa McKercher

International history review Vol. 33, No. 1, march 2011


Contesting Thucydides' Legacy: Comparing Hannah Arendt and Hans Morgenthau on
Imperialism, History and TheoryEditar entradas
Douglas B. Klusmeyer

A Once and Future Greatness: Raymond Aron, Charles de Gaulle and the Politics of
Reed Davis

The Revolt against the West: Decolonisation and its Repercussions in British International
Thought, 1945–75
Ian Hall

Developmentalism, and the Making of Brazil's ‘American Century’
The Consumption of (Over?) Consumption: Diplomatic Developmentalisms, Market
James P. Woodard

R.G. Casey and Australian International Thought: Empire, Nation, Community
James Cotton

After Nehru, What? Britain, the United States, and the Other Transfer of Power in India,
Paul M. McGarr

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language acquistions: a journal of developmental linguistics, Vol. 18. No. 3 jul.-sept. 2011


Acquisition of Multiple Questions in English, Russian, and Malayalam
Lydia Grebenyova

Children's Comprehension of Relative Clauses in an Ergative Language: The Case of Basque
M. Juncal Gutierrez-Mangado


Interface Conditions in Child Language: A View from Mandarin Chinese
Peng Zhou

Acquisition of Long-Distance Questions in French
Magda Oiry

Research on language and social interaction Vol. 44, No. 3, 2011

Reenactments at Work: Demonstrating Conduct in Data Sessions
Dylan Tutt & Jon Hindmarsh

On the Organization of Repair in Multiperson Conversation: The Case of “Other”-Selection in Other-Initiated Repair Sequences
Galina B. Bolden

How to Propose an Action as Objectively Necessary: The Case of Polish Trzeba x(“One Needs to x”)
Jörg Zinken & Eva Ogiermann

After Interpretation: Third-Position Utterances in Psychoanalysis
Anssi Peräkylä

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Language problems & language planning, Vol. 35, no. 2 summer 2011

Articles / Articulos / Aufsätze / Artikoloj

Attitudes to Arabic language policies in Israel: Evidence from a survey study
Dafna Yitzhaki

The linguistic capital of contested languages: The centre-left and regional languages in Asturias and the Veneto, 1998–2008
Naomi Wells

The native-non-native dichotomy in minority language contexts: Comparisons between Irish and Galician
Bernadette O'Rourke and Fernando F. Ramallo

Interlinguistics / Interlingüística / Interlinguistik / Interlingvistiko

Chaos in Esperanto-Land: Echoes of the Holocaust
Humphrey Tonkin

Reviews / Críticas / Rezensionen / Recenzoj

Michel Bozdémir et Louis-Jean Calvet (dir.). Politiques linguistiques en Méditerranée
Compte rendu par Jacques Maurais

Paolo Coluzzi. Minority Language Planning and Micronationalism in Italy: An Analysis of the Situation of Friulan, Cimbrian and Western Lombard with Reference to Spanish Minority Languages.
Reviewed by Federico Gobbo

Jasone Cenoz. Towards Multilingual Education: Basque Educational Research from an International Perspective.
Reviewed by Timothy Reagan

Helena Sulkala & Harri Mantila (eds.). Planning a New Standard Language: Finnic Minority Languages Meet the New Millennium
Reviewed by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas

Aleksander Korzhenkov. The Life of Zamenhof
Reviewed by Roberto Garvía

Andreas Künzli. L.L. Zamenhof (1859–1917): Esperanto, Hillelismus (Homaranismus) und die „jüdische Frage“ in Ost- und Westeuropa
Rezensiert von Ulrich Lins

Antonina Bokarjova (ed.). Sciencisto, esperantisto, patro: Eŭgeno Bokarjov
Reviewed by Humphrey Tonkin

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9 dic 2011

Journal of linguistics Vol. 47, no. 2, july 2011

Research Articles

Are non-standard dialects more ‘natural’ than the standard? A test case from English verb morphology
Anderwald, Lieselotte

On the anatomy of a chain shift
Dinnsen,Daniel A. ; Christopher R. Green ; Judith A. Gierut and Michele L. Morrisette

Reduced auxiliaries in early child language: Converging observational and experimental evidence from French
Dye, Cristina D.

Attributive adjectives, infinitival relatives, and the semantics of inappropriateness
Fleisher, Nicholas

Conjunctive agreement in Lamaholot
Nishiyama, Kunio

Reconstructing last week's weather: Syntactic reconstruction and Brythonic free relatives
Willis, David

Review Articles

Scavenging, the stag hunt, and the evolution of language
Clark, Brady

What's in a compound?
Spencer, Andrew

Jila Ghomeshi, Ileana Paul & Martina Wiltschko (eds.), Determiners: Universals and variation (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 147). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009. Pp. x+247.
Danon, Gabi

Norbert Hornstein & Maria Polinsky (eds.), Movement theory of control (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 154). Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins, 2010. Pp. vii+330.
Haddad, Youssef A.

Anna Kibort & Greville G. Corbett (eds.), Features: Perspectives on a key notion in linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. xi+333.
Boeckx, Cedric

Idan Landau, The locative syntax of experiencers (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs 53). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010. Pp. x+165.
Salzmann, Martin

David Lebeaux, Where does binding theory apply? (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs 50). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009. Pp. xxiii+99.
Boeckx, Cedric

E. Phoevos Panagiotidis (ed.), The complementizer phase: Subjects and operators (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 30). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. xv+285.
Shlonsky, Ur

Ian Roberts, Agreement and head movement: Clitics, incorporation, and defective goals (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs 59). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010. Pp. x+290.
Matushansky, Ora

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Journal of linguistics Vol. 47, no. 1, march 2011

Research Articles

Defectiveness and homophony avoidance
Baerman, Matthew

A diachronic frequency account of the allomorphy of some grammatical markers
Berg, Thomas

The floating C-Place node in Latin
Cser, András

Bare nominals and incorporating verbs in Spanish and Catalan
Espinal, M. Teresa and Louise Mcnally

On the role of phonology and discourse in Francilian French wh-questions
Hamlaoui, Fatima

Freezing effects and objects
Lohndal, Terje

Review Articles

A history maker
Coleman, John


Lobke Aelbrecht, The syntactic licensing of ellipsis (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 149). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010. Pp. xii+230.
Thoms, Gary

Katalin É. Kiss (ed.), Adverbs and adverbial adjuncts at the interfaces (Interface Explorations 20). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2009. Pp. viii+377.
Lipták, Anikó

Dirk Geeraerts, Theories of lexical semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. xix+341.
Murphy, M. Lynne

Andrew Nevins, Locality in vowel harmony (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs 55). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010. Pp. xii+244.
Finley, Sara

Sophie Repp, Negation in gapping (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 22). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. xi+266.
Fortin, Catherine

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First language, vol. 31, no. 3 (97), august 2011


Bassano, Dominique ; Isabelle Maillochon ; Katharina Korecky-Kröll ; Marijn van Dijk ; Sabine Laaha ; Wolfgang U. Dressler and Paul van Geert
A comparative and dynamic approach to the development of determiner use in three children acquiring different languages

Pérez-Leroux, Ana T.; Mihaela Pirvulescu and Yves Roberge
Topicalization and object omission in child language

Lyn, Heidi ; Patricia M. Greenfield and E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh
Semiotic combinations in Pan: A comparison of communication in a chimpanzee and two bonobos

Scofield, Jason and Douglas A. Behrend
Clarifying the role of joint attention in early word learning

Saaristo-Helin, Katri; Sari Kunnari and Tuula Savinainen-Makkonen
Phonological development in children learning Finnish: A review

Book Reviews

Kidd, Evan
Origins of human communication

Scott-Phillips, Thomas C.
The evolution of human language: Biolinguistic perspectives

Kupisch, Tanja
The bilingual child: Early development and language contact

First language, vol. 31, no. 2 (96), may 2011


Schiff, Rachel and Einav Lotem
Effects of phonological and morphological awareness on children’s word reading development from two socioeconomic backgrounds

Nelson, Keith E. ; Janet A. Welsh ; Elisabeth M. Vance Trup and Mark T. Greenberg
Language delays of impoverished preschool children in relation to early academic and emotion recognition skills

Evans, Mary Ann ; Kailey Reynolds ; Debora Shaw and Tiffany Pursoo
Parental explanations of vocabulary during shared book reading: A missed opportunity

Mehrani, Mehdi B.
What is biased? Children’s strategies or the structure of yes/no questions?

Aljenaie, Khawla ; Fauzia Abdalla ; and Mohammad Farghal
Developmental changes in using nominal number inflections in Kuwaiti Arabic

Book Reviews

Guijarro-Fuentes, Pedro
Hispanic child languages: Typical and impaired development

Campos, Gonzalo
Minimal answers: Ellipsis, syntax and discourse in the acquisition of European Portuguese

Messenger, Katherine
Child language: Acquisition and development

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First language, vol. 31, no. 1 (95), february 2011

Jane B. Childers
Attention to multiple events helps two-and-a-half-year-olds extend new verbs

Brad M. Farrant ; Murray T. Maybery, and Janet Fletcher
Socio-emotional engagement, joint attention, imitation, and conversation skill: Analysis in typical development and specific language impairment

Marinella Majorano and Laura D'Odorico
The transition into ambient language: A longitudinal study of babbling and first word production of Italian children

Christine S. Schipke and Christina Kauschke
Early word formation in German language acquisition: A study on word formation growth during the second and third years

Gretchen S. Lovas
Gender and patterns of language development in mother-toddler and father-toddler dyads

Josita Maouene ; Aarre Laakso, and Linda B. Smith
Object associations of early-learned light and heavy English verbs

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Journal of child language Vol. 38, No. 4, september 2011


Learning to liaise and elide comme il faut: evidence from bilingual children
Nicoladis, Elena and Johanne Paradis

Regular/irregular is not the whole story: the role of frequency and generalization in the acquisition of German past participle inflection
Szagun, Gisela

Competition between word order and case-marking in interpreting grammatical relations: a case study in multilingual acquisition
O'shannessy, Carmel

Lexical tone awareness among Chinese children with developmental dyslexia
Li, Wing-Sze and Connie Suk-Han Ho

When cues collide: children's sensitivity to letter- and meaning-patterns in spelling words in English
Deacon, S. H. ; D. Leblanc and C. Sabourin

Information tracking and encoding in early L1: linguistic competence vs. cognitive limitations
Cat, Cécile de

Vocabulary development in Greek children: a cross-linguistic comparison using the Language Development Survey
Papaeliou, Christina F. and Leslie A. Rescorla

Young children's understanding of markedness in non-verbal communication
Liebal, Kristin ; Malinda Carpenter and Michael Tomasello

Brief Research Report

Do newly formed word representations encode non-criterial information?
Curtin, Suzanne

The role of perceptual availability and discourse context in young children's question answering
Salomo, Dorothé ; Eileen Graf ; Elena Lieven and Michael Tomasello

Journal of child language Vol. 38, No. 3, june 2011


Early verb learning in 20-month-old Japanese-speaking children
Oshima-Takane, Yuriko; Junko Ariyama ; Tessei Kobayashi ; Marina Katerelos and Diane Poulin-Dubois

Prelinguistic predictors of language development in children with autism spectrum disorders over four–five years
Bopp, Karen D. and Pat Mirenda

The role of input frequency and semantic transparency in the acquisition of verb meaning: evidence from placement verbs in Tamil and Dutch
Narasimhan, Bhuvana and Marianne Gullberg

Mastering inflectional suffixes: a longitudinal study of beginning writers' spellings*
Turnbull, Kathryn ; S. Hélène Deacon and Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird

Bilingual children's acquisition of the past tense: a usage-based approach
Paradis,Johanne ; Elena Nicoladis ; Martha Crago and Fred Genesee

The role of working memory and contextual constraints in children's processing of relative clauses
Weighall, Anna R. and Gerry T. M. Altmann

Does size matter? Subsegmental cues to vowel mispronunciation detection
Mani, Nivedita and Kim Plunkett

Brief Research Report

The influence of part-word phonotactic probability/neighborhood density on word learning by preschool children varying in expressive vocabulary
Storkel, Holly L. and Jill R. Hoover

Cascading activation across levels of representation in children's lexical processing
Huang, Yi Ting and Jesse Snedeker

Verb argument structure acquisition in young children: defining a role for discourse
Naigles, Letitia R. and Ashley Maltempo

Proficiency with tense and aspect concordance: children with SLI and their typically developing peers
Owen, Amanda J.

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Journal of child language Vol. 38, No. 2, march 2011

The input ambiguity hypothesis and case blindness: an account of cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic differences in case errors
Pelham, Sabra D.

Orienting to third-party conversations
Martínez-Sussmann,Carmen ; Nameera Akhtar, Gil Diesendruck And Lori Markson

The Linguistic Affiliation Constraint and phoneme recognition in diglossic Arabic
Saiegh-Haddad, Elinor ; Iris Levin, Nareman Hende And Margalit Ziv

Phonological development of word-initial Korean obstruents in young Korean children
Kim, Minjung And Carol Stoel-Gammon

Parental numeric language input to Mandarin Chinese and English speaking preschool children
Chang, Alicia ; Catherine M. ; Sandhofer, Lauren Adelchanow and Benjamin Rottman

Semantic categorization and reading skill across Dutch primary grades: development yes, relationship no
Gijsel, Martine A. R. ; Ellen A. Ormel ; Daan Hermans ; L. Verhoeven and Anna M. T. Bosman

On the interaction of deaffrication and consonant harmony
Dinnsen, Daniel A. ; Judith A. Gierut ; Michele L. Morrisette ; Christopher R. Green and Ashley W. Farris-Trimble

The dynamics of syntax acquisition: facilitation between syntactic structures
Keren-Portnoy, Tamar And Michael Keren

Children's command of plural and possessive marking on Hebrew nouns: a comparison of obligatory versus optional inflections
Schiff, Rachel ; Dorit Ravid and Shany Levy-Shimon

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