Early verb learning in 20-month-old Japanese-speaking children
Oshima-Takane, Yuriko; Junko Ariyama ; Tessei Kobayashi ; Marina Katerelos and Diane Poulin-Dubois
Prelinguistic predictors of language development in children with autism spectrum disorders over four–five years
Bopp, Karen D. and Pat Mirenda
The role of input frequency and semantic transparency in the acquisition of verb meaning: evidence from placement verbs in Tamil and Dutch
Narasimhan, Bhuvana and Marianne Gullberg
Mastering inflectional suffixes: a longitudinal study of beginning writers' spellings*
Turnbull, Kathryn ; S. Hélène Deacon and Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird
Bilingual children's acquisition of the past tense: a usage-based approach
Paradis,Johanne ; Elena Nicoladis ; Martha Crago and Fred Genesee
The role of working memory and contextual constraints in children's processing of relative clauses
Weighall, Anna R. and Gerry T. M. Altmann
Does size matter? Subsegmental cues to vowel mispronunciation detection
Mani, Nivedita and Kim Plunkett
Brief Research Report
The influence of part-word phonotactic probability/neighborhood density on word learning by preschool children varying in expressive vocabulary
Storkel, Holly L. and Jill R. Hoover
Cascading activation across levels of representation in children's lexical processing
Huang, Yi Ting and Jesse Snedeker
Verb argument structure acquisition in young children: defining a role for discourse
Naigles, Letitia R. and Ashley Maltempo
Proficiency with tense and aspect concordance: children with SLI and their typically developing peers
Owen, Amanda J.
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