9 dic 2011

First language, vol. 31, no. 3 (97), august 2011


Bassano, Dominique ; Isabelle Maillochon ; Katharina Korecky-Kröll ; Marijn van Dijk ; Sabine Laaha ; Wolfgang U. Dressler and Paul van Geert
A comparative and dynamic approach to the development of determiner use in three children acquiring different languages

Pérez-Leroux, Ana T.; Mihaela Pirvulescu and Yves Roberge
Topicalization and object omission in child language

Lyn, Heidi ; Patricia M. Greenfield and E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh
Semiotic combinations in Pan: A comparison of communication in a chimpanzee and two bonobos

Scofield, Jason and Douglas A. Behrend
Clarifying the role of joint attention in early word learning

Saaristo-Helin, Katri; Sari Kunnari and Tuula Savinainen-Makkonen
Phonological development in children learning Finnish: A review

Book Reviews

Kidd, Evan
Origins of human communication

Scott-Phillips, Thomas C.
The evolution of human language: Biolinguistic perspectives

Kupisch, Tanja
The bilingual child: Early development and language contact

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