9 dic 2011

Sociologia ruralis Vol. 51, No. 4, october 2011

Food, Place, Ecology

The Importance of Place: Re-territorialising Embeddedness
Bowen, Sarah

Exploring the Ecological Dimensions of Producer Strategies in Alternative Food Networks in the UK
Morris, Carol and James Kirwan

Gender, Respectability and Power

Lives Beyond Suspicion: Gender and the Construction of Respectability in Mid-twentieth Century Rural North Wales
Brown, Brian ; Sally Baker and Graham Day

Regulating the New Equine Industry in Finland. Wicked Problems, Governance Models and Gendered Power Structures
Andersson, Kjell and Minna Lehtola

Family Farming

Present or Absent Farm Heads? A Contemporary Reading of Family Farming in Greece
Koutsou Stavriani ; Maria Partalidou and Michael Petrou

Stories about Nature

Swedish Farmers Talking about Nature – A Study of the Interrelations between Farmers' Values and the Sociocultural Notion of Naturintresse
Boonstra,Wiebren J. ; Johan Ahnström and Lars Hallgren

The New Rural World: From Crises to Opportunities, XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology : 29th July to 4th August 2012, Lisbon, Portugal

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