14 dic 2011

Demography Vol. 48, No. 3, august 2011

Probabilistic Projections of the Total Fertility Rate for All Countries

Leontine Alkema, Adrian E. Raftery, Patrick Gerland, Samuel J. Clark and François Pelletier, et al.

Tempo and the TFR
Máire Ní Bhrolcháin

The Impact of College Education on Fertility: Evidence for Heterogeneous Effects
Jennie E. Brand and Dwight Davis

The Black Gender Gap in Educational Attainment: Historical Trends and Racial Comparisons
Anne McDaniel, Thomas A. DiPrete, Claudia Buchmann and Uri Shwed

Education and Male-Female Differences in Later-Life Cognition: International Evidence From Latin America and the Caribbean
Jürgen Maurer

A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship Between Fertility Timing and Schooling
Kevin Stange

The Evolution of Family Complexity from the Perspective of Nonmarital Children
Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer and Steven T. Cook

Cohabitation History, Marriage, and Wealth Accumulation
Jonathan Vespa and Matthew A. Painter

Divorced Fathers’ Proximity and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes: Evidence From Norwegian Registry Data
Ariel Kalil, Magne Mogstad, Mari Rege and Mark Votruba

Men’s Migration and Women’s Fertility in Rural Mozambique
Victor Agadjanian, Scott T. Yabiku and Boaventura Cau

Declining Return Migration From the United States to Mexico in the Late-2000s Recession: A Research Note
Michael S. Rendall, Peter Brownell and Sarah Kups

How High is Hispanic/Mexican Fertility in the United States? Immigration and Tempo Considerations
Emilio A. Parrado

Understanding the “Russian Mortality Paradox” in Central Asia: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
Michel Guillot, Natalia Gavrilova and Tetyana Pudrovska

Moderate Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Mortality
Theodore D. Fuller

Responsive Survey Design, Demographic Data Collection, and Models of Demographic Behavior
William G. Axinn, Cynthia F. Link and Robert M. Groves

The Relationship History Calendar: Improving the Scope and Quality of Data on Youth Sexual Behavior
Nancy Luke, Shelley Clark and Eliya M. Zulu

Life Shocks and Crime: A Test of the “Turning Point” Hypothesis
Hope Corman, Kelly Noonan, Nancy E. Reichman and Ofira Schwartz-Soicher

The Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction: Racial Proxy Revisited
Sapna Swaroop and Maria Krysan

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