9 dic 2011

Journal of child language Vol. 38, No. 1, january 2011


Gender-marked determiners help Dutch learners' word recognition when gender information itself does not
Van Heugten, Marieke and Elizabeth K. Johnson

Interrelations between communicative behaviors at the outset of speech: parents as observers
Dromi, Esther and Anat Zaidman-Zait

Concurrent and predictive validity of the Galician CDI
Pérez-Pereira, Miguel and Mariela Resches

Rethinking the acquisition of relative clauses in Italian: towards a grammatically based account
Adani, Flavia

Successive single-word utterances and use of conversational input: a pre-syntactic route to multiword utterances
Herr-Israel, Ellen and Lorraine Mccune

Object movement in preschool children's word learning
Scofield, Jason ; Andrea Miller and Travis Hartin

Maternal label and gesture use affects acquisition of specific object names
Zammit, Maria and Graham Schafer

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