9 dic 2011

First language, vol. 31, no. 1 (95), february 2011

Jane B. Childers
Attention to multiple events helps two-and-a-half-year-olds extend new verbs

Brad M. Farrant ; Murray T. Maybery, and Janet Fletcher
Socio-emotional engagement, joint attention, imitation, and conversation skill: Analysis in typical development and specific language impairment

Marinella Majorano and Laura D'Odorico
The transition into ambient language: A longitudinal study of babbling and first word production of Italian children

Christine S. Schipke and Christina Kauschke
Early word formation in German language acquisition: A study on word formation growth during the second and third years

Gretchen S. Lovas
Gender and patterns of language development in mother-toddler and father-toddler dyads

Josita Maouene ; Aarre Laakso, and Linda B. Smith
Object associations of early-learned light and heavy English verbs

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