9 dic 2011

First language, vol. 31, no. 2 (96), may 2011


Schiff, Rachel and Einav Lotem
Effects of phonological and morphological awareness on children’s word reading development from two socioeconomic backgrounds

Nelson, Keith E. ; Janet A. Welsh ; Elisabeth M. Vance Trup and Mark T. Greenberg
Language delays of impoverished preschool children in relation to early academic and emotion recognition skills

Evans, Mary Ann ; Kailey Reynolds ; Debora Shaw and Tiffany Pursoo
Parental explanations of vocabulary during shared book reading: A missed opportunity

Mehrani, Mehdi B.
What is biased? Children’s strategies or the structure of yes/no questions?

Aljenaie, Khawla ; Fauzia Abdalla ; and Mohammad Farghal
Developmental changes in using nominal number inflections in Kuwaiti Arabic

Book Reviews

Guijarro-Fuentes, Pedro
Hispanic child languages: Typical and impaired development

Campos, Gonzalo
Minimal answers: Ellipsis, syntax and discourse in the acquisition of European Portuguese

Messenger, Katherine
Child language: Acquisition and development

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