5 oct 2012

Adelphi papers, 428, 2012

Special Issue: Drugs, insecurity and failed states: The problems of prohibition

Original Articles

Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Chapter One: The evolution of the international drugs trade
Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Chapter Two: Prohibition
Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Chapter Three: The producer states
Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Chapter Four: The transit regions
Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Chapter Five Alternatives to prohibition
Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Appendix I
Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

Nigel, Inkster, & Virginia Comolli

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