6 oct 2012

Gender and society, 26 (3), june 2012


Balogun, Oluwakemi M.
Cultural and Cosmopolitan: Idealized Femininity and Embodied Nationalism in Nigerian Beauty Pageants

Pande, Amrita
From “Balcony Talk” and “Practical Prayers” to Illegal Collectives: Migrant Domestic Workers and Meso-Level Resistances in Lebanon

Hammer, Gili
Blind Women’s Appearance Management: Negotiating Normalcy between Discipline and Pleasure

Mora, Richard
“Do it for all Your Pubic Hairs!”: Latino Boys, Masculinity, and Puberty

Sumerau, J. Edward
“That’s What a Man Is Supposed to Do”: Compensatory Manhood Acts in an LGBT Christian Church

Madden, Janice Fanning
Performance-Support Bias and the Gender Pay Gap among Stockbrokers

Book Reviews

Marjukka Ollilainen
Book Review: Reshaping the Work–Family Debate: Why Men and Class Matter

Sandra K. Gill
Book Review: Workplace Flexibility: Realigning 20th-Century Jobs for the 21st-Century Workforce

Mary Nell Trautner
Book Review: Strip Club: Gender, Power, and Sex Work

Barbara Lesavoy
Book Review: Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites Use Women’s Labor and Ideas to Exploit the World

Josephine Beoku-Betts
Book Review: Bush Wives and Girl Soldiers: Women’s Lives through War and Peace in Sierra Leone

Astrid Eich-Krohm
Book Review: The CDU and the Politics of Gender in Germany: Bringing Women to the Party

Laurel Smith-Doerr
Book Review: The Mathematics of Sex: How Biology and Society Conspire to Limit Talented Women and Girls

Judith Lorber
Book Review: Pink Ribbon Blues: How Breast Cancer Culture Undermines Women’s Health

Susan Markens
Book Review: Birthing a Mother: The Surrogate Body and the Pregnant Self

Christine H. Morton
Book Review: Giving Breastmilk: Body Ethics and Contemporary Breastfeeding Practice

Carrie Lee Smith
Book Review: Pushing for Midwives: Homebirth Mothers and the Reproductive Rights Movement

Maureen Sullivan
Book Review: Gay Fatherhood: Narratives of Family and Citizenship in America

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