22 oct 2012

Journal of family history, 37 (3), july 2012


Steensel, Arie van
Kinship, Property, and Identity: Noble Family Strategies in Late-Medieval Zeeland

Lee, Sangkuk and Byung-giu Son
Long-Term Patterns of Seasonality of Mortality in Korea from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century

Dalla-Zuanna, Gianpiero ; Matteo Di Tullio ; Franca Leverotti, and Fiorenzo Rossi
Population and Family in Central and Northern Italy at the Dawn of the Modern Age: A Comparison of Fiscal Data from Three Different Areas

Kennedy, Gregory M. W.
Pushing Family Reconstitution Further: Life Course, Socioeconomic Hierarchy, and Migration in the Loudunais, 1705–1765

Steven King and Mark Shephard
Courtship and the Remarrying Man in Late-Victorian England

Book Reviews

Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney
Book Review: Contesting Legitimacy in Chile: Familial Ideals, Citizenship, and Political Struggle, 

Ina Baghdiantz McCabe
Book Review: Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond: Experiences since the Middle Ages

Christina Jarvis
Book Review: Of War and Men: World War II in the Lives of Fathers and Their Families

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