5 oct 2012

Comparative Civilizations Review, 66, Spring 2012


What is the Difference Between Culture and Civilization?: Two Hundred Fifty Years of Confusion
Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

New Orleans Connection: The Feibleman-Toynbee Interface
James B. Sullivan

Local Civilization and Political Decency: Equilibrium and the Position of the Sultanate in Java
Hisanori Kato

Fire and Force: Civilization as Noosphere in the Works of Teilhard de Chardin
Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo

A Brief History of International Money Supply Systems in Major Civilizations with a Focus on Links to Major Economic Depressions
Kazutake Miyahara

Ruan Wei

The 1961 Conference of the ISCSC: Notes and Summaries
Michael Palencia-Roth

Book Reviews

Benjamin R. Foster and Karen Prolinger Foster. Civilizations of Ancient Iraq.
Taylor Halverson

D. Bahat, Israel: Past & Present
Taylor Halverson

E. Borgia, Jordan: Past & Present
Taylor Halverson

John Rogerson, Chronicle of the Old Testament Kings: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers of Ancient Israel
Taylor Halverson

Pyburn, K. Anne, editor. Ungendering Civilization
Connie Lamb

Richard Rudgley, Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age
Laina Farhat-Holzman

Sjoberg, Andree, Dravidian Language and Culture
John Grayzel

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