8 oct 2012

Environmental history, 17 (1), january 2012

Langston, Nancy
Editor's Note


McKenzie, Matthew
Iconic Fishermen and the Fates of New England Fisheries Regulations, 1883–1912

Tomory, Leslie
The Environmental History of the Early British Gas Industry, 1812–1830

Pooley, Simon
Recovering the Lost History of Fire in South Africa's Fynbos

Radding, Cynthia
The Children of Mayahuel:
Agaves, Human Cultures, and Desert Landscapes in Northern Mexico

Wing, John T.
Keeping Spain Afloat: State Forestry and Imperial Defense in the Sixteenth Century


Neil Maher and Cindy Ott
Gallery Editors' Note

Marsha Weisiger
Happy Cly and the Unhappy History of Uranium Mining on the Navajo Reservation

Book reviews

John Herron
Evolutionary History: Uniting History and Biology to Understand Life on Earth

Richard C. Hoffmann
Dutch Herring: An Environmental History, c. 1600–1860

Andrew Hurley
Desert Visions and the Making of Phoenix, 1860–2009

William G. Robbins
The Bitterroot & Mr. Brandborg: Clearcutting and the Struggle for Sustainable Forestry in the Northern Rockies

Brett L. Walker
Noble Cows and Hybrid Zebras: Essays on Animals and History

Robert Wilson
A Companion to American Environmental History

Pierre Brocheux
Quagmire: Nation-Building and Nature in the Mekong Delta

J. Brooks Flippen
My Work Is That of Conservation: An Environmental Biography of George Washington Carver

Jodi Frawley
Pictures of Time Beneath: Science, Heritage and the Uses of the Deep Past

Sumit Guha
Environmental History of Early India: A Reader

Eric Strahorn
The British Empire and the Natural World: Environmental Encounters in South Asia

Philip G. Terrie
America's Conservation Impulse: A Century of Saving Trees in the Old Line State

Marsha Weisiger
Leaving Mesa Verde: Peril and Change in the Thirteenth-Century Southwest

Jeannie Whayne
Conflict in the Ozarks: Hill Folk, Industrialists, and Government in Missouri's Courtois Hills

Bruce Shelvey
Bioinvaders: Themes in Environmental History

Christopher W. Wells
Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology

Brian Caton
Forests and Ecological History of Assam, 1826–2000

Lynn A. Nelson
Enduring Pastoral: Recycling the Middle Landscape Ideal in the Tennessee Valley

Thomas R. Wellock
Fuel Cycle to Nowhere: U.S. Law and Policy on Nuclear Waste

Kathryn Davis
The Death & Life of Monterey Bay: A Story of Revival

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