5 oct 2012

Comparative political studies, 45 (7), july 2012


Jason Brownlee
Executive Elections in the Arab World: When and How Do They Matter?

Brad Epperly
Institutions and Legacies: Electoral Volatility in the Postcommunist World

Allen Hicken and Heather Stoll
Presidents and Parties: How Presidential Elections Shape Coordination in Legislative Elections

Emanuel Emil Coman
Notionally Defined Contributions or Private Accounts in Eastern Europe: A Reconsideration of a Consecrated Argument on Pension Reform

Helen Callaghan
Constrain-Thy-Neighbor Effects as a Determinant of Transnational Interest Group Cohesion

Book Reviews

Dennis P. Patterson
Book Review: Hatch, W. F. (2010). Asia’s Flying Geese: How Regionalism Shapes Japan. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press

Sofia Fenner
Book Review: Levitsky, S., & Way, L. A. (2010). Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

David Waldner
Book Review: Hanson, S. E. (2010). Post-Imperial Democracies: Ideology and Party Formation in Third Republic France, Weimar Germany, and Post-Soviet Russia. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

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