Original Articles
Wilmoth, John : Sarah Zureick ; Vladimir Canudas-Romo ; Mie Inoue & Cheryl Sawyer
A flexible two-dimensional mortality model for use in indirect estimation
Goldstein, Joshua R. & Thomas Cassidy
How slowing senescence translates into longer life expectancy
A modified Lee–Carter model for analysing short-base-period data
Zhao, Bojuan Barbara
American political affiliation, 2003–43: A cohort component projection
Kaufmann, Eric ; Anne Goujon & Vegard Skirbekk
Socio-economic resources and first-union formation in Finland, cohorts born 1969–81
Jalovaara, Marika
Migrant remittances and the web of family obligations: Ongoing support among spatially extended kin in North-east Thailand, 1984–94
Rindfuss, Ronald R.; Martin Piotrowski ; Barbara Entwisle ; Jeffrey Edmeades & Katherine Faust
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