23 oct 2012

International labor and working – class history, 81, spring 2012


Senior Editors' Note
Brown, Carolyn ;Jennifer Klein and Peter Winn

Labor and Global Commodities

Labor and Global Commodities: Introduction
Ngai, Mae and Mary Nolan

The Return of Merchant Capitalism
Lichtenstein, Nelson

The Political Culture of Sugar Tariffs: Immigration, Race, and Empire, 1898–1930
Merleaux, April

“The Spice of the Department Store”: The “Consumers' Republic,” Imported Knock-Offs from Latin America, and the Invention of International Development, 1936–1941
Sedgewick, Augustine

Selling Gasoline with a Smile: Gas Station Attendants between the United States, Italy, and the Third World, 1945–1970
Bini, Elisabetta

The Work of Invisibility: Radiation Hazards and Occupational Health in South African Uranium Production
Hecht, Gabrielle

If “Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola” Then “Cold Drink Means Toilet Cleaner”: Environmentalism of the Dispossessed in Liberalizing India
Ciafone, Amanda

Review Essays

Commodity Production and the Sociology of Work: Ideologies of Labor and the Making of Globalization
Andrew Urban

History, Villagers, and the Social Scientists: Wrestling with the Past in the Present
Tracy McDonald

Thirty Years on from Women on the Line: Researching Gender and Work

Introduction: Visualizing Space and Narrating Work
Dawn Lyon

Reflecting on Women on the Line: Continuities and Change in Women's Work
Miriam Glucksmann

Thirty Years on from Women on the Line and Girls, Wives, Factory Lives
 Anna Pollert

Gender and Class: Women's Working Lives in a Dormitory Labor Regime in China
Pun Ngai

Embodying Labor, Then and Now
Carol Wolkowitz

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