Original Articles
Madise, Nyovani J. Estimating unmet need for contraception by district within Ghana: An application of small-area estimation techniques
Fiifi Amoako Johnson, Sabu S. Padmadas, Hukum Chandra, Zoe Matthews &
Bukodi, Erzsébet
The relationship between work history and partnership formation in cohorts of British men born in 1958 and 1970
Hertrich, Véronique & Marie Lesclingand
Adolescent migration and the 1990s nuptiality transition in Mali
Perelli-Harris, Brienna ; Michaela Kreyenfeld ; Wendy Sigle-Rushton ; Renske Keizer, et al.
Changes in union status during the transition to parenthood in eleven European countries, 1970s to early 2000s
Schatz, Enid
Rationale and procedures for nesting semi-structured interviews in surveys or censuses
Berghammer, Caroline
Church attendance and childbearing: Evidence from a Dutch panel study, 1987–2005
Book reviews
Zhongwei Zhao, Allan Puur, John Landers, Frances Stewart & Ruth Dixon-Mueller
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