6 oct 2012

International history review, 34 (1), march 2012


Not Quite the Dragon: A ‘Chinese’ view on the Six Party Talks, 2002–8
Michele Acuto

‘Discord and Confusion … under the Pretext of Religion’: European Diplomacy and the Limits of Orthodox Ecclesiastical Authority in the Eastern Mediterranean
Jack Fairey

Protecting the Northern Flank, or Keeping the Cold War out of Scandinavia? British Planning and the Place of Norway and Denmark in a North Atlantic Pact, 1947–9
Martin H. Folly

France and the Issue of a ‘Usable’ Diaspora in (North) America: the Duroselle-Tardieu Thesis Reconsidered
David G. Haglund

The Geopolitics of Literature: the Shifting International Theme in the Works of Henry James
Priscilla Roberts

Selling or Selling Out Nuclear Disarmament? Labour, the Bomb,and the 1987 General Election
Len Scott

The Prosecution of Informers in Eastern Germany, 1945–51
Andrew Szanajda

British Foreign Policy and the Italian Occupation of Rome, 1870
Owain Wright



Book reviews

Individualism in Early China, Human Agency and the Self in Thought and Politics
Elif Akçetin

War in an Age of Revolution, 1775–1815
Joseph Krulder

Empire for Liberty: A History of American Imperialism from Benjamin Franklin to Paul Wolfowitz
Robert M. Hendershot

Understanding the British Empire
Robert L. Tignor

All the Tsar's Men: Russia's General Staff and the Fate of the Empire, 1898–1914
Keith Neilson

Internationalism, National Identities, and Study Abroad: France and the United States, 1890–1970
William R. Keylor

The League of Nations
Thomas Richard Davies

Evolving Nationalism: Homeland, Identity, and Religion in Israel, 1925–2005
Matthew Hughes

Murder in the Metro, Laetitia Toureaux and the Cagoule in 1930s France
Anthony Adamthwaite

Peacemaking, Peacemakers and Diplomacy, 1880–1939: Essays in Honour of Professor Alan Sharp
Zara Steiner

Ambassador to Sixties London: The Diaries of David Bruce, 1961–1969
Jonathan Colman

Nuclear Apartheid
Graham Farmelo

Economic Liberalism and its Rivals: The Formation of International Institutions among the Post-Soviet States
Richard Sakwa

The Search for Reconciliation: Sino-Japanese and German-Polish Relations Since World War II
Valérie Rosoux

Between Frontiers: Nation and Identity in a Southeast Asian Borderland
Priscilla Roberts

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